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Goodbye, Toby

‘Goodbye, Toby’

Season 4, Episode 18 - Aired May 15, 2008

On Toby's last day, Michael meets the new H.R. representative, Holly Flax. Meanwhile, Phyllis is put in charge of organizing a big send-off for Toby, and Ryan's career takes a dive in New York.

Quote from Michael Scott

Holly: I brought the binder. Do you wanna take a little look?
Michael Scott: Sure, you know what, that sounds good. I'll take a little looksie.
Holly: Here we go.
Michael Scott: Thank you. "What would you improve about Dunder Mifflin?"
Toby: This place?
Michael Scott: No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Toby: I've got some ideas.
Michael Scott: I'm not asking it, I'm just reading it out loud.
Holly: Oh, I'd like to hear the answer.
Toby: Well, let me see. I would-
Michael Scott: [whispering] I'll kill you.
Toby: I guess everything's okay.
[aside to camera:]
Toby: I made it this far, right? What's the point?


Quote from Michael Scott

Pam: Toby, why don't you open your present?
Michael Scott: No, no, no, no, no, no. Hey, hey, hey, hey- This might not be what I think that I don't even know's in there 'cause there are a lot of presents in my car, and I don't know which is which.
Toby: "Suck on this."
Michael Scott: What the hell is that?
Holly: Michael.
Michael Scott: What do you mean "Michael"?! That's not even my handwriting. Hey! What the hell is going on here?! Who thought it would be hysterical to give Toby a rock for his going-away gift?!
Dwight K. Schrute: You did.
Michael Scott: No!
Dwight K. Schrute: You made me wrap it. I thought it was over the line.

Quote from Phyllis

Michael Scott: No anti-gravity machine, huh?
Phyllis: Sorry, Michael. I don't think they're real.
Michael Scott: The ferris wheel is pretty cool, though.

Quote from Michael Scott

Holly: Oh, it was a pretty good company, but I just couldn't see a future there. They kept hiring from the outside. It was easy to get in, but impossible to rise up.
Michael Scott: That's what she- A lot of places are like that.
Holly: I think it's really cool you hired Kevin.
Michael Scott: Thanks.

Quote from Michael Scott

Holly: So, you missed something really big.
Michael Scott: Yeah?
Holly: Yeah. Andy proposed to one of your accountants.
Michael Scott: Oh, wow.
Holly: That's as specific as I can be on my first day.
Michael Scott: Well, I can see Andy proposing to Angela. I can also see him proposing to Oscar.

Quote from Holly

Holly: So... You know, somehow, after all those ribs, I'm still really hungry. I don't know, I was thinking of maybe going off-campus somewhere and getting some dessert.
Michael Scott: Oh, well, you know what? You should go to the Glider Diner. Ask Stanley about that. He practically lives there.
Holly: Okay.
Kevin: I'll go to the diner with you.
Holly: That would be great.
Kevin: Yeah, we can go eat pie.
Holly: I love pie.
Kevin: Me too.

Quote from Michael Scott

Toby: Morning.
Michael Scott: Mornin'. [to camera] So here we go. Just a matter of hours now until his horribleness has left the building. I'm going to set my watch alarm.

Quote from Angela

Michael Scott: If the devil were to explode, and evil were gone forever, what sort of party would you have?
Angela: Michael.
Michael Scott: Like a beach blowout? Or a toga-
Angela: No, you know. No! You always do this. We have a nice, modest party planned, and you come in and demand the world. Let me be clear. There is simply no money for anything other than a cake, and to develop a few more slides. Although Toby won't be in them.

Quote from Michael Scott

Michael Scott: I want a party that makes me feel like I am flying through the air without this ugly weight holding me down. You know? I want an anti-gravity machine. I saw it in a movie. You drink a potion, and then you just start floating all around.
Pam: So how much anti-gravity potion do you want?
Angela: No, you know what? This is not a party-planning committee anymore. And I don't want your foot money, and I feel uncomfortable participating.
Michael Scott: Phyllis. Can you do this?
Phyllis: Yes.

Quote from Toby

Toby: As part of my last day, I'm training the new human resources rep in the ways of the company. Again, the company has allotted for this training one day.

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