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The Man Hunt

‘The Man Hunt’

Season 7, Episode 16 - Aired February 24, 2016

Brick starts to wonder when he will become a man after attending a Bar Mitzvah. Now that Logan is becoming a priest, Sue hits the dating scene at college and tries to work on her flirting. Meanwhile, Axl and Hutch finally find a place to live in the form of a Winnebago.

Quote from Brick

Dave: Is this for school?
Brick: No, it's more of a personal research project. So, when did you know you were a man?
Dave: When I woke up smelling smoke and I carried my little brother through the fiery inferno, ignoring the excruciating pain until I found the safety of our parents.
Brick: Well, our house is a tinderbox.
Jim: I remember back when I was in Prairie Scouts, I had all the badges except for one. Then my mom lost my sash. My troop leader told me that if I couldn't keep track of my sash, maybe I wasn't a man. [voice breaking] It's possible I'm not one. [inhales sharply, sighs]
Chuck: Listen here, baby Mike. You can't become a man until you get out from under the tyranny of the man. I was about your age when I went over the walls of my prison. "Eat your vegetables, Chuck. Don't date your teachers, Chuck." You can't become a man under that kind of oppression. So I inked up, got a busboy job at Chi-Chi's, and, uh, became the awesome man you see in front of you today.


Quote from Brick

Mike: Okay, let's get back to work. Let's go. Shane had to go home sick, so I'm taking over his load of rocks. You guys, get started on area six.
Brick: Can I come with you?
Mike: No, you stay here.
Brick: But riding in a truck sounds like it would be a very manly thing to do.
Mike: It's a safety issue, Brick.
Brick: Please?
Mike: No! Stop asking me.
Dave: Come on, Mike. Take the kid on a ride. Every day's a gift.
Brick: Don't you see? This could be it. This could be the moment. This could be the story I tell my kids someday when they ask me the same question.
Mike: Fine. [hands Brick a helmet] Here. I'll tell you what, I'll even let you pull the lever to release the rocks.
Brick: Yes! Who's the man now, Josh Goldstein?!

Quote from Sue

Jason: [chuckles] Hi.
Sue: Hi.
Jason: I haven't seen you here before. No, it's my first time. [Sue tries to stand in a flirtatious way]
What are you doing?
Sue: I'm thinking something, but I'm not saying it.
Jason: Well, I'm thinking about something and I am saying it. I'm gonna go over there.

Quote from Lexie

Sue: Lexie, I'm gonna take off, okay?
Lexie: Already?
Sue: Yeah, yeah. I have a really big test in 12 days that I need to study for, so...
Lexie: Okay, let me just say bye to this guy. He was just telling me about the time that he got to go to the Grammys with his cousin Justin Timberlake. Blah, blah, blah, right?

Quote from Axl

Axl: I got to tell you I'm getting worried. I mean, we checked our old house. We checked all the Best Buys. He might really be gone. Oh, man. There's never gonna be another Kenny... pbht!... whatever his last name is.
Hutch: Yeah. I'll never forget the first and last thing he said to us.
Axl: [sighs] I just hate to think about him out there being all alone. And what if he doesn't have enough batteries for his game? Wait a minute. Video games. We can find him online!

Quote from Axl

Axl: No time to talk. We're just here for the Wi-Fi. All right. Okay.
[Axl puts on a head-set as he and Hutch sit down on the couch]
Hutch: All right, check all the breached rooms.
Axl: Kenny? Are you here?
[Kenny walks out from the kitchen into the dining room with a plate of food and a soda]
Axl: Kenny? Come on.
Hutch: We got to find him!
Axl: All right, you know what? I'm gonna check another room. And I got a good feeling about this one. I can feel his presence. Kenny? Kenny?! [soda can opens]
Axl: Kenny!
Hutch: You're alive!

Quote from Frankie

Axl: He's like a dog. He found his way home.
Frankie: Oh, Kenny's leaving? It was kind of nice having you here. The Internet's faster, and all our photos are on the cloud now.
Kenny: Thank you, Mrs. Heck. As Axl and Hutch know, my family situation isn't typical, so I appreciate the hospitality. And I'd love to get your chicken salad recipe.
Frankie: Oh, that's from the "Eat it Today" section at the Frugal Hoosier. But you got to do the sniff test first.
Axl: All right.
Hutch: Good to have you back, buddy.

Quote from Brick

Mike: Hey.
Brick: Why are you picking me up? I thought I was supposed to take the bus. Cindy gets mad if I don't save her a seat.
Mike: She'll get over it.
Brick: No, she won't.

Quote from Brick

Mike: Okay, you got to be patient. Let the juices pool first. You only want to flip it once. Not now. Not now. Now.
[meat sizzles]
Brick: I did it!
Mike: Congratulations, son.
["Hava Nagila" plays]
Brick: Wow.
Mike: Look at that.
Brick: I know! That was much easier.

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