‘Office Hours’
Season 5, Episode 21 - Aired May 7, 2014
Feeling that her mind has turned to mush because of the kids' constant demands, Frankie implements office hours and insists the kids can only approach her between 5 and 6 each day. Meanwhile, Brick invites his new friends over for a book club meeting, and Mike is uncomfortable with Sue and Darrin spending time together in the family room.
Quote from Brick
Frankie: Okay. Sorry. Sorry I'm late. Whoo. Shoot.
Brick: Well, after months of reading about clubs, wives, and counties, the book club is finally reading something I recommended, Planet Nowhere.
Frankie: Your meter's running, Brick. What do you need?
Brick: Well, I thought it would be fun, as part of our follow-up discussion, if I made Silligan noses for everyone to wear. So can you scoot me over to the fabric store?
Quote from Brick
Frankie: [v.o.] Out here in the middle, we're used to having things sprung on us: tornadoes, floods, locusts. But some things you never see coming.
Brick: I'm having five friends over after school today.
Frankie: What? You're having five friends over? You have five friends?
Brick: Yep. For the past few months, we've gotten to be a pretty tight-knit group. We share a lot of the same interests. I thought you always wanted me to have friends over.
Frankie: These are people, right? Not bugs.
Brick: Yeah, people.
Frankie: No, it's- It's great, Brick. It's- It's just that, you know, the house isn't clean.
Brick: Well, if we have to wait for that...
Frankie: No, I just meant that, you know, if we're having people over, I just would like to be a little more organized. [clatter]
Quote from Brick
Brick: I'm gonna need snacks for when my friends are over. I'm thinking a nice cheese-and-cracker platter with bologna rolls lined around the side for presentation. It's important to feed the eyes, as well as the body.
Quote from Axl
Axl: [on video chat] Oh, that's it! Right there, under the doughnuts. Now read them to me.
Frankie: Axl, I am not going to read you your notes. I've got to get to work.
Axl: Oh, my God! I'm finally giving it my all and doing solid, C-level work here, and you're just gonna abandon me?! Nice cyber-parenting, mom!
Frankie: [stammers] It's not like I could read any of this stuff, anyway. It's just drawings of dragons and random woman-fish combos.
Axl: Well, then, you're gonna have to go down to the copy place and fax them to me.
Frankie: No, you know what, Axl? You're the one who left his notes. You shouldn't be rewarded for it. It's your responsibility, not mine. [Axl groans] I'll fax them when I get to work.
Quote from Mike
Frankie: Stolen, Mike! My car was stolen. Why would somebody steal our crappy car?
Mike: Probably for parts 'cause nobody would want that thing as a whole.
Frankie: I mean, I go outside, and gone. The car is gone.
Mike: Yep, going to church every Sunday's really paying off.
Quote from Frankie
Frankie: [chuckles]
Mike: What?
Frankie: Oh, it's just... I have the funniest story. I-- You are not gonna believe this, but, um, my car has been found. It has been retrieved.
Mike: Really?! That's great! They caught the guy?
Frankie: Well, kind of. Uh, this is actually the funny part that is also a really good sign for humanity, actually? Um, it was never stolen. I just left it in the back and forgot. [laughs]
Mike: What?
Frankie: [sighs] It's not my fault, Mike. It wasn't where I usually park it. See, I just pulled around the back to drop off the coffee urn, which was not part of my usual routine.
Mike: Are you kidding? It's been there the whole week? How could you not know where you parked your car?
Frankie: 'Cause I always park in the front.
Quote from Axl
Sue: Wait, what happened? Oh, good. Did you find your car? Who stole it?
Axl: [on video chat] It was an inside job. Very inside.
Frankie: I don't think it matters who stole it or if it got stolen or what happened. The important thing is we got it back and people are good at heart. I mean, that's what we should be focusing on.
Mike: So you're telling me I spent every lunch this week filing police reports and digging out insurance papers, and you just forgot where you parked it?
Axl: That's Mom for you!
Frankie: What's that supposed to mean?
Axl: Oh, my God. You forget everything.
Frankie: I do not.
Axl: Really? How about the time you couldn't find your phone, and it turns out you were just talking on it.
Brick: He's right, Mom. You did do that.
Quote from Axl
Axl: Movies! She can never remember the names of any movies she sees.
Frankie: That is completely untrue. Mike, tell them. We were just talking about movies yesterday.
Mike: "The one with the actress who adopted the African-American baby, but not Charlize Theron, the one before her" is not technically the name of a movie.
Axl: Face it, Dad. Her brain's cheese.
Brick: Maybe she should get a CAT scan.
Frankie: I am not getting a CAT scan.
Sue: Oh, actually, Mom, that's not a bad idea. Last week, you left the groceries on the stoop all night long.
Quote from Frankie
Frankie: [v.o.] Yep, I've had some low-grade, B-level epiphanies before, but I got to say, I knocked this one out of the park.
Sue: And I need you to move my scoliosis appointment on the 15th. Brad and I are offering a free self-esteem workshop after school that day. "Don't listen to the crowd. You're great."
Frankie: Hmm. Okay. Moving scoliosis appointment. Anything else?
Brick: Yes, on Tuesday, I'm gonna need a ride to visit Sparkle in the hospital. Bless her heart, she's getting her fourth knee.
Frankie: Oh. Ride on Tuesday. Got it. Is that all?
Axl: [on video chat] No. I also need a check. Me and Hutch found this awesome apartment for next year.
Sue: And don't forget I need you to sign my application for Miss Teen Orson. Fingers crossed.
Brick: I inadvertently chewed a girl's hair, so you might be getting a call from my teacher about that.
Axl: Did you guys take out a credit card in my name?
Frankie: We did it as Axl J Heck, so you should be fine. We're not morons. What else do you need?
Sue: Index cards.
Axl: More underwear.
Brick: Italian wedding cookies. [car horn honks] Well, that's my ride to the Kay Kyser Big Band Experience. Oh, don't wait up. We might stop afterwards and get a little nosh.
Quote from Frankie
Frankie: Mike. I came into the kitchen.
Mike: Yes. I can see that.
Frankie: And do you know why? 'Cause I do. I am here to get a screwdriver, and I know what I'm gonna do with it. I'm gonna use it to pry out that wad of q-tips from the bathroom drawer.
Mike: Hmm.
Frankie: My locker combination from junior high: 23-42-7. The first actress that adopted the cute African-American baby was, oh, yeah, Sandra Bullock. [sings] I'm all out of love I'm so lost without you [talks] Whoo! I know all the lyrics now. Oh, my brain is mine again, Mike, mine. You have no idea how freeing this is.