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Quote from Axl in Office Hours

Axl: [on video chat] Oh, that's it! Right there, under the doughnuts. Now read them to me.
Frankie: Axl, I am not going to read you your notes. I've got to get to work.
Axl: Oh, my God! I'm finally giving it my all and doing solid, C-level work here, and you're just gonna abandon me?! Nice cyber-parenting, mom!
Frankie: [stammers] It's not like I could read any of this stuff, anyway. It's just drawings of dragons and random woman-fish combos.
Axl: Well, then, you're gonna have to go down to the copy place and fax them to me.
Frankie: No, you know what, Axl? You're the one who left his notes. You shouldn't be rewarded for it. It's your responsibility, not mine. [Axl groans] I'll fax them when I get to work.

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