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Escape Orson

‘Escape Orson’

Season 8, Episode 10 -  Aired January 3, 2017

When the Hecks spend New Year's Day in an escape room, they're not only trying to outrun zombies but also beat the Donahues' record. Meanwhile, Brick is certain the quiet man assigned to play with them is really the author of the Planet Nowhere books, Sue crumbles under her family's expectation that she's always great at games, and Frankie remembers the romantic dream she had the night before.

Quote from Sue

Rowdy: Okay, you've got one hour. Your time starts now. [door closes]
Sue: I have to pee.
Frankie: What?! [all groan]
Sue: I didn't know there'd be bubbling beakers!


Quote from Axl

Axl: Come on, Sue! You're the game master here. Get in the zone. We got to beat the Donahues. If we don't, it's all your fault and civilization as we know it is destroyed. But, hey, no pressure.
Sue: Okay, I have tried every side of the maze, but the key won't reach the cabinet.
Axl: Well, why don't you just move the cabinet, Einstein?
Sue: It's bolted to the floor, Galileo.
Axl: Well, then, why don't you just move the maze, other smart guy?
Sue: You can't just move the...
[Axl rotates the maze so it's vertical rather than horizontal]
Axl: Oh, it's open.
Frankie: Oh, good job, Sue! Looks like medical files or something. Here... Everybody take one and look for clues.

Quote from Frankie

Mike: Okay, uh, it says here that Dr. I.N. Sane was fired by the chairman of the board...
Frankie: Frank Sinatra.
Mike: What?
Frankie: That was my dream. I remember it now. Me and Frank Sinatra were making out.
Mike: Hang on. You were making out with Frank Sinatra?
Frankie: Yeah, well, not the old one, and not the scrawny young one... the good middle-aged one with a little meat on his bones. I told you it was a good dream.

Quote from Axl

Axl: Ooh. Hey, everybody, I have discovered two things about this mirror. One... Whatever the lighting in this place is, I look great in it. And two... pretty sure that's the word "brain" on the wall over there?
Frankie: Brains in jars! Clue, people, clue!

Quote from Brick

Brick: Okay, I've got three clues! He has a wife, he smells like sandalwood... That was in a Parade Magazine profile... And M-I-L-T? Morvan, Ilquan, Lingee, and Tuut? The four planets of the Kalakwa Galaxy in the Planet Nowhere books. That can't be a coincidence! [Frankie sighs]
Mike: Did you drink some of that brain juice from the other room?
Brick: Hey, I don't care what you guys think. That is David S. Rosenthal. I will never forgive myself if I don't get his autograph. Full disclosure... I did not drink the brain juice, but I did lick the jar.
Frankie: Brick, where did you get that pen and paper?
Brick: In that cabinet right there. There's a secret drawer with keys inside and a book of codes.

Quote from Axl

Sue: Axl, please don't tell Mom and Dad. This is all I have. You don't know what it's like to be me. You were the football star. Brick is the reader. I am just the trier. Do you know how hard it is year after year to be the trier?
Axl: Fine. I'll keep your secret... partly because it's so pathetic and partly because I am really impressed you were able to cheat at "Marco Polo."
Sue: I opened my eyes.
Axl: Oh, my God. I didn't even think of that.
Sue: Thank you so much for not saying anything. I will never forget this. You're the best, Axl.
Axl: At everything, yes, it's been established now. But we've wasted too much time talking about this, and, as usual, it's up to me to save my family from the zombie apocalypse... starting with this wall, which is obviously fake. [Axl grunts as his body thuds against the wall]

Quote from Mike

Mike: So, how was your day?
Frankie: What do you mean, how was my day? You were there. We beat the Donahues. It was awesome.
Mike: Yeah, well, I don't know. You're dreaming about guys asking you about your day, and I know we've been pretty busy lately, and I don't always ask, so I thought, you know, maybe I should.
Frankie: Oh. Well, it was good. Thanks.
[Mike dips Frankie and kisses her]
Mike: Let's see what you dream about tonight.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] Everyone has a different kind of escape. Sometimes we escape into a good book, sometimes we escape into our dreams. But one thing you can't escape from is the Hecks after a rare victory.
Frankie: Oh, hey, Nancy. [chuckles] Just got back from the escape room... Made it out with 1:21 to spare. What was your time again?
Nancy: 1:08.
Axl: Oh, hey, Sean, turns out when I looked in the mirror, all I saw was a guy who kicked your ass.
Mike: Yeah, I don't know, Ron. If this mojo keeps up, I wouldn't get too attached to that giant spatula.
Brick: Yep. Says right here on the certificate... The Hecks won. No apostrophe necessary, Dotty.
Nancy: Well, that's impressive, you guys. I guess you're just better at this than we are.
Frankie: You know, that's what's great about you Donahues... You have fun no matter what. Happy New Year.

Quote from Nancy Donahue

Sean: Now we're off to shovel Mr. Jenkins' driveway.
Nancy: We just like to help the elderly when we can. I mean, how can it be a happy new year if you don't do something for others?
Frankie: Yeah, well, helping others can be a little neglectful to your family. That's why we're going as a family to the Orson Escape Room.
Nancy: Oh, we did that 18 months ago!
Sean: [chuckles] [to Axl:] Careful, buddy... There's a lot of mirrors in there. I know how you get distracted.
Ron: You know, uh, we Donahues, we still hold the record for the fastest time.
Dotty: Yep... made it out with 1:08 left on the clock.
Frankie: Well, I think your record's safe, 'cause we're probably gonna suck at it. [laughter]
Nancy: That's what so great about you Hecks... You have fun no matter what. [laughs]

Quote from Mike

Mike: So, uh, what exactly were you doing with Frank Sinatra?
Frankie: It was nothing... just kissing, teenage stuff. And it wasn't all physical. There was witty banter. He said, "I'm gonna take a steam." And I said, "Now"? We were funny together.
Mike: Yeah. You know he had writers. They all had writers. So, did all this stuff happen in our house?
Frankie: Ew! No! I would never take Frank Sinatra to our house. We were someplace nice. We were on a bearskin rug.
Mike: So, you were a cliché. I don't need to know any more. This whole thing is disturbing.
Frankie: Disturbing?

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