Rose Nylund Quotes     Page 70 of 77    

Quote from Charlie's Buddy

Rose: It just amazes me, how much you know about my life with Charlie.
Buddy: Rose, I don't think you realize how very much you meant to him. Or how very much you meant to me.
Rose: To you? I don't understand.
Buddy: I didn't have a wife or a sweetheart back home. And when Charlie would read me your letters, I felt like... Well, that someone cared. And that meant a lot to me. I spent a long time searching for someone exactly like Rose Nylund. I never found her. And now I know why. There's no one exactly like Rose Nylund.
Rose: Oh, Buddy.
Buddy: Charlie carried those letters in his jacket through the war. I carried them in my heart for a lifetime. And I think I fell in love with the woman who wrote them.
[Buddy and Rose kiss]


Quote from Charlie's Buddy

Buddy: You haven't even mentioned about moving to Boston. Are you avoiding the subject?
Rose: I can't go with you, Buddy.
Buddy: But Rose-
Rose: It wouldn't be fair. Now, I've given it a lot of thought and I realize, I'm not being honest with you. Or with myself.
Buddy: Rose, how could this be? We've been so happy.
Rose: Oh, I am happy. Happy with the memories of Charlie that you rekindled. Oh! Sometimes I put those memories too far away because I'm afraid they'll be painful. It's the hardest on holidays or when I'm lying in bed, alone at night. But remembering Charlie with you is wonderful. I'm glad I met you, Buddy. But I don't love you. I'm sorry. Listen, I went to the bank and I got something for you.
Buddy: It's a gold watch.
Rose: It's Charlie's gold watch. I want you to have it.
Buddy: But this is a very expensive piece of jewelry.
Rose: Please, Buddy.

Quote from Charlie's Buddy

Buddy: I think I've taken enough from you and Charlie already.
Rose: What?
Buddy: Listen, I hate emotional scenes. I'm the only Irishman in Boston who avoids wakes and political rallies. So, I'm just gonna run, you understand?
Rose: But Buddy-
Buddy: I'll write. I will. No, I won't. I always say that. I never do. You take care of yourself, Rose. You're a special lady.

Quote from Grab That Dough

Dorothy: Oh, look, look. There's Guy Corbin. Oh, what a hunk.
Rose: Oh, that man makes my Ovaltine boil.
Guy Corbin: Good morning, ladies. Welcome to our show. I'm Guy Corbin. And this morning, I've arranged something especially for you. Fresh ground coffee and prune Danish. Tiffany, why don't you tell them all about it right now.

Quote from Mixed Blessings

Rose: Blanche, how much longer do I have to have this hot towel on?
Blanche: Just be patient, Rose. When you remove this towel, you are gonna see what a dramatic difference Blanche's miracle beauty treatment has made already. Honey, you will be transformed into a totally new woman. Okay, you ready?
Rose: Uh-huh.
Blanche: All right. One, two, three!
Rose: Oh, my God. I look horrible. [turning around] Oh, Dorothy, it's you.
Dorothy: I'm sorry, Rose. I'm sorry. I forgot it was a full moon.

Quote from Yes, We Have No Havanas

Blanche: I just don't know what I'm gonna do.
Dorothy: Oh, now calm down, Blanche. There's probably a very logical explanation.
Blanche: You know, you're probably right. Oh, why would Fidel want another woman? After all, he's dipped his toes in the lake known as Blanche.
Rose: [to Dorothy] That wasn't stupid enough to deserve a hit?

Quote from Stan Takes a Wife

Sophia: [coughs]
Dorothy: Ma, Ma, I think you better sit down. Come on. Over here. Here you go.
Rose: Dorothy, should I get Sophia a glass of water?
Dorothy: No, Rose. You should sit here and watch her hack herself to death.
Rose: Are you sure?
Dorothy: Get the water!

Quote from Till Death Do We Volley

Dorothy: Why did it have to happen this way? I feel like a murderer!
Blanche: Now, I will not hear any more of that nonsense. It was a freak occurrence on a tennis court. That is all.
Rose: She's right, Dorothy. You did nothing wrong. Technically. I mean, nothing that would hold up in a court of law.

Quote from Foreign Exchange

Blanche: Rose, how about you? You wanna learn dirty-dancing?
Rose: I don't know. For some odd reason, dirty-dancing always sounds... dirty.

Quote from Foreign Exchange

Sophia: Oh, look. It's a letter from my friends Philomena and Dominic Bosco back in Sicily.
Dorothy: Oh.
Sophia: They're visiting Miami with their daughter Gina.
Blanche: Who are they?
Dorothy: Oh, well, Gina and I were born within minutes of each other at the same hospital in Brooklyn. That's when Ma became friendly with Philomena, before the family moved back to Sicily.
Rose: Will the Boscos be staying with us, Sophia?
Sophia: Unless there's a bidding war with the neighbors.
Rose: Well, even if we lose, at least they'll be close by.

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