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Journey to the Center of Attention

‘Journey to the Center of Attention’

Season 7, Episode 18 - Aired February 22, 1992

Blanche is upset when Dorothy becomes popular at her favorite haunt, The Rusty Anchor. Meanwhile, Rose hosts a wake for Sophia while she's still alive.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: Something wrong, Sophia?
Sophia: I don't believe it. My Dorothy is popular. After 60 years of bargaining with God, it's finally happened. Per our agreement, I'm off to Calcutta to work with the poor.


Quote from Blanche

Blanche: That's why I wanted you to come down and see for yourself. Look at that. The men are practically swarming all over her. Just like she was somebody. I just have to keep reminding myself, I am Blanche Devereaux. I am beautiful, men find me desirable, and my life is over.
Rose: Boy, when the mask falls off, it really makes a thud.

Quote from Dorothy

Sophia: Dorothy, how would you like to go to a wake next Friday?
Dorothy: Ma, you know how I feel about those things. They're so sad and depressing. Whose wake is it anyway?
Sophia: Mine.
Dorothy: What time?

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: It all stems from your low self-esteem.
Dorothy: What are you talking about?
Blanche: Dorothy, if you felt better about yourself you'd want to get out and do more. I have a little exercise I do whenever my self-esteem's kind of low. I say my name and then I list three positive things about myself.
I'm Blanche Devereaux. I'm beautiful, men find me desirable, and people want to be my friend. Go on now, you try.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: I'm Dorothy Zbornak. I'm beautiful, men find me desirable, and people want to be my friend.
Blanche: I'm sorry I confused you, honey. You're supposed to say three positive things that apply to you. You know, like you could say, "I'm Dorothy Zbornak. I'm a good speller, and I'm- I'm very prompt and, um" Well, actually, there's- There's no law that says there has to be three.
Dorothy: Actually, I just thought of a third one. I can snap a friend's neck like a twig.

Quote from Rose

Rose: Oh, girls, we just went to Doug Kirkpatrick's wake. It was the greatest. I can't remember when I had so much fun.
Sophia: Those Irishmen. They even laid out Doug's body in the living room.
Blanche: Oh, that sounds morbid.
Rose: I didn't have a problem with it till one of the relatives got drunk and started slow dancing with the corpse.
But even then it was surprisingly touching.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Blanche, wait, wait, wait. Listen, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
Blanche: Well, nonsense. I promise you're gonna have a good time.
Dorothy: Wait. You're going to introduce me to some of your friends?
Blanche: Yes, if I see anybody I know.
[Dorothy and Blanche enter the bar]
All: Blanche!
Blanche: Hi, everybody!
Roger: Hey, Blanche. How's life?
Blanche: Well, it's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearin' no underwear

Quote from Rose

Rose: No, she's serious. Next Friday Sophia's gonna throw her own wake. Food, drinks, music. The only difference will be she'll be alive. God willing.

Quote from Dorothy

Sophia: At Doug's wake, people got up and said wonderful things about him. But he wasn't there to hear it. I don't want that to happen to me. I want to hear how people feel about me. I want to be there to listen as they salute my... my grace, my wit, my inner beauty.
Dorothy: Ma, writers cost money.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: I even know a way we can save some money. I'll make the hors d'oeuvres.
Sophia: Some wake. Scandinavian crap on a cracker. I mean, thank you.

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