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Dateline: Miami

‘Dateline: Miami’

Season 7, Episode 7 - Aired November 2, 1991

When Dorothy has a date on a Saturday night, Rose, Blanche and Sophia spend the night reminiscing about some of their worst dates.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: I guess we have no choice. My baby is having a baby. I can't believe it.
Dorothy: Ma, I'm scared.
Sophia: Look, pussycat, even though it's gonna hurt a lot - and I do mean a lot! - there's something very special about bringing a new life into this world. And this child's got a lot of love waiting for him right here.
Dorothy: Thanks, Ma. I don't believe I did this. And I hate his name. For the rest of my life I'm gonna be Dorothy Zbornak.
Sophia: Ah, come on, pussycat, look on the bright side. At least he's got a full head of hair.


Quote from Sophia

Rose: Wow, Sophia. That was some story.
Sophia: Yes, it was. Funny, touching, with a surprise twist ending. I wonder if it was true. Ah, damn that stroke.

Quote from Blanche

Bob: Actually, my brother Arnie dragged me out tonight. This is my first date.
Blanche: You mean, your first date ever?
Bob: That's right. I've never been with a woman. Well, not in the biblical sense. Whoops, there I go again. You can take the boy out of the seminary...
Blanche: Let me get this straight. Um... You've never... Never, ever?
Bob: Not once.
Blanche: Have you even thought about it?
Bob: Only all the time. To be honest, I've never even seen a naked lady.
Blanche: So what we're saying here is, you're a virgin?
Bob: A virgin.
Blanche: Oh, God. This brings out the artist in me.

Quote from Dorothy

Blanche: But I've been disrobing in front of Dr. Kagan for three years. Why would he ask you out when he's seen the promised land?
Dorothy: I really don't know. Too many squatters?

Quote from Rose

Rose: Oh, he was such a jerk. And he was no better on our second date.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: I can't believe my pussycat's been out with that guy for three hours. I'm getting worried. Maybe I should call the police. Nah, he's probably okay.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Hi, fellows. Here's something you two can nibble on. And we brought you some hors d'oeuvres, too.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: Well, Bob, I finally have you all to myself. Why don't I fix us some drinks, huh?
Bob: Actually, I don't drink.
Blanche: Oh, then I know what'll loosen us up. We can play a game with my naughty cards from Denmark.
Aces are high and I'm wild.
Bob: Well, I really don't gamble either, Blanche.
Blanche: Oh, believe me. It's no gamble.

Quote from Rose

Rose: So, uh, where are you guys from? I think I detected an accent.
Arnie: What does it matter? Life is just one bottomless pit of muck and despair.
Rose: Let me guess. New Jersey?

Quote from Rose

Rose: What is it with men? Why would you want to have sex with somebody you've only known a few hours?
Blanche: Rose.
Rose: Why can't they understand that sex is no good if it isn't with someone you love?
Blanche: Rose.
Rose: Oh, the very thought of it makes me feel dirty.
Blanche: Rose!

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