‘Dateline: Miami’
Season 7, Episode 7 - Aired November 2, 1991
When Dorothy has a date on a Saturday night, Rose, Blanche and Sophia spend the night reminiscing about some of their worst dates.
Quote from Blanche
Rose: How could you do this to me, Blanche? You knew I wanted to spend tonight alone.
Blanche: Rose, nobody who says they want to be alone on New Year's Eve ever really means it.
Rose: I did.
Blanche: Well, you're a freak. Besides, it's bad luck if you don't get kissed at midnight. Why, my New Year's Eve kiss is the most important one of the whole year. It sets the tone for the next 365 days. One year, I didn't get kissed at midnight on New Year's Eve, I didn't get lucky till after the Orange Bowl.
Quote from Blanche
Rose: Well, if being kissed is all you care about, why didn't you just stay at the Rusty Anchor?
Blanche: Oh, it was too crowded.
Rose: They threw you out again, didn't they?
Blanche: Like I'm the only person who ever mixed a margarita in a sailor's mouth.
Quote from Blanche
Blanche: Oh, good God. Dorothy Zbornak has a date on a Saturday night and Blanche Devereaux does not? That sounds like an idea for a Stephen King book.
Quote from Rose
John: May I recommend the The Poulet Veronique?
Rose: John, I have a rule. If I can't pronounce it, I don't put it in my mouth. Say, do they have gougenflucter?
Quote from Dorothy
Sophia: How could you let this happen, Dorothy? How could you throw everything away for an hour's worth of passion?
Dorothy: I don't know. It just sort of- What do you mean an hour's worth? It's supposed to take an hour?
Sophia: And what happens to your dream? You were gonna be the first Petrillo to go to college. You were gonna be a teacher.
Dorothy: I'm still gonna be a teacher, Ma. This won't change that. Now, when you say an hour, does that include everything?
Quote from Blanche
Bob: You know, Blanche, you really don't have to do this.
Blanche: Oh, but I want to, Bob. Your first time should be really special. You need a woman who won't make you nervous or put unrealistic demands on you. A woman who'll be tender and kind and gentle. Where the heck is that riding crop?
Quote from Rose
Dorothy: [singing] Heaven I'm in heaven And my heart beats so that I can hardly... What are you all looking at?
Blanche: You. What are you so happy about?
Sophia: If I know my Dorothy, there's only one thing that makes her this happy.
Rose: You're going back to Shady Pines?
Quote from Blanche
Blanche: Oh, wait just a minute. This whole thing is a trick, isn't it? You're just tryin' to make us think you're goin' out with Dr. Kagan.
Dorothy: I am not lying. You're just jealous about the fact that I have a date on a Saturday night and you don't.
Blanche: Saturday night? Kids' stuff. Get lucky on a Tuesday morning, then call me.
Dorothy: I guess I'm just not attracted to crossing guards.
Blanche: Dorothy, a guy sets a folding chair up in front of my house, I want to know more.
Quote from Rose
Rose: Come on, Arnie, I want to show you the answer to a riddle. What's Irish and stays out all night?
Arnie: I don't know. What, Rose?
Rose: Paddy O'Furniture.
Quote from Blanche
Bob: Oh, gosh. She's right. I do feel dirty.
Blanche: Well, don't worry. You'll get used to it.
Bob: Blanche, I'm going home, getting down on my knees, and begging for forgiveness.
Blanche: Yeah, we can do that.