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The Circle of Driving Again

‘The Circle of Driving Again’

Season 5, Episode 8 - Aired November 29, 2017

As Murray tries to teach Adam how to drive on his sixteenth birthday, his head is filled with Beverly's scary stories about driving. Meanwhile, when Barry visits Erica at college, his popularity makes her question why she hasn't made any friends.

Quote from Adam

Murray: Okay, you gotta stop listening to these crazy things your mom tells you.
Adam: So rabid pigeons won't peck my eyes out through the sunroof?
Murray: What is it with you and birds anyway?!
Adam: They're just so cocky. So what if they can fly? I can do stuff, too.
Murray: Like driving? I bet you that would really make the birdies jealous.
Adam: Yeah, right. Like birds know what a car is.
Murray: Get in the car!


Quote from Murray

Murray: My son's a moron! Can't you see? Go around! He's a moron! Go around!

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: There's my handsome men. I just snickered up a batch of doodles.
Adam: Should you tell her or should I?
Murray: Let me take this. I was out teaching him how to drive.
Beverly: The [bleep] you say?

Quote from Pops

Adult Adam: [v.o.] With that, my parents shut down my grandfather, who went upstairs and bribed me to drive.
Pops: Okey dokey, it's happening. We'll see you in a few hours.
Murray: What? Wh-Where are you going?
Pops: To take the kid out driving, just like we agreed.
Beverly: Uh, no. You had your diver's license taken away, remember?
Pops: So? Doesn't mean I can't still drive.
Beverly: That's exactly what it means. Wait, are you still driving?
Pops: Sure. How else do you think I get here every day?
Murray: The bus. You told us you took the bus.
Pops: Why would I do that? I got a car.

Quote from Barry

Srini: Wait, you know this girl, Big Tasty?
Barry: She's my sister. Ah, she sucks at first, but you'll come to love her.
Srini: We're currently still in the sucking phase.
Erica: Oh, my God! What world am I living in?
Srini: Fine. Since you're related to Big Tasty, I'm willing to overlook your extremely hurtful words and re-invite you to my soiree.
Barry: You hear that, Erica? He's gonna ignore how terrible you are.

Quote from Erica

Other Erica: Wow, you're, like, really harshing on Def Leppard right now.
Erica: I can't believe you're actually going to that dumb party.
Other Erica: Totally, and I'm, like, super bummed you're not gonna be there.
Erica: Well, you don't have to be sarcastic about it.
Other Erica: I'm, like, not. This is just how I talk.

Quote from Erica

Barry: Oooookay! Let's keep this party going. Who's up next?
Other Erica: I was gonna sing The Go-Go's, but I didn't realize this party is religious-themed.
Erica: What? No. [chuckles] That's just a beautiful song that showcases my voice.
Other Erica: Oh. Job well done, then.
Erica: Oh, she's not being mean. That's just how she talks.
Other Erica: No, this time, it was totally meant to be mean.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: It's doubters like you that make him want to skim harder.

Quote from Pops

Pops: Surprising amount of paperwork for a tiny, little nudge.
Beverly: Dad, we T-boned a cop. And you told him to stop making a big deal out of it.
Pops: I think that cop had something going on at home.

Quote from Adam

Murray: Okay, first things first. Give me your keys, Al. No more driving.
Pops: How is this on me? Adam was behind the wheel.
Murray: You know how it works. It's the circle of driving. Somebody loses a license, someone gets a license.
Adam: Or, Pops keeps driving, 'cause I'm not. See? The circle of driving ends with me.
Murray: The circle of driving does not end with you.
Adam: Or Pops keeps driving, 'cause I'm not. See? The circle of driving ends with me.
Murray: You can't end the circle of driving.
Adam: Oh, I just did! The circle is complete.

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