‘Jenkintown After Dark’
Season 10, Episode 3 - Aired October 5, 2022
Adam's new job in the film industry isn't as exciting as he expected. Meanwhile, Barry is delighted to adopt the yuppy lifestyle when Joanne starts work at a law firm.
Quote from Matt
Barry: Jealous JTP!
All: Jealous JTP!
Barry: Matt Bradley, are you so enraged with envy that you cannot speak?
Matt: Happy for you, Big Tasty. Just not jealous. For me, wealth is measured in experiences and...
Barry: Ha ha! Hilarious! I like you.
Quote from Barry
Barry: But despite my full embrace of the role of sugar child to my sugar mama, don't worry. I will still be your friend.
Naked Rob: What is happening?
Barry: My lady got a high-paying job, creating an uncomfortable wealth gap between us. How can I make it any clearer?
Joanne: Now when we watch Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Barry gets it at a whole new level.
Barry: They're just people, like you and me.
Joanne: Yeah.
Barry: But none of you.
Quote from Barry
Barry: I brought you a gift. Leftovers from our upscale lunch.
Joanne: It's sushi.
Barry: It's disgusting. I had 36 pieces. Now go ahead, lowborn JTP, sample what you will never sample again.
Andy: So fishy and chewy!
Naked Rob: The rice masks nothing!
Geoff: It's like that time at the lake when the minnow swam in my mouth!
Matt: I taste the ocean's anger!
Barry: All of this is cured by wasabi.
Joanne: That's the green goo in the corner of the box.
Geoff: My head is fire!
Andy: Oh, mercy! Make it stop!
Naked Rob: Why?
Matt: Ohh! I need more fish in my mouth! [all screaming]
Quote from Adam
Adult Adam: [v.o.] It was October 5th, 1980-something, and I had landed a job on a real movie set right here in Philadelphia.
Adam: Yeah, I had a girlfriend. Brea. She went to Brown. I see that look on your face, but she was totally real. Anyway, with my dad's passing and my sister having a baby, I opted to not go to NYU. Now here I am, about to clock in at the ol' Dream Factory!
Duane: Here's your post.
Adam: It looks like a folding chair facing away from all the action.
Duane: Bingo.
Adam: Not to toot my own horn, but I once should have won a film festival at my high school.
Duane: In that case, you wanna direct the car chase tomorrow?
Adam: Please and thank you! I'll need 50 Matchbox cars to show the stunt coordinator exactly what my vision is.
Duane: I'm messing with you, Spielberg. Just make sure no one steps in that hole.
Adam: But isn't that the cone's job?
Duane: You're a quick study. Cone's in good hands. Also, don't sit.
Adam: But there's a chair.
Duane: Yeah, it was doing your job before you got here with all your dreams.
Quote from Beverly
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yep, turns out my first entertainment job wasn't very entertaining. That was until a special guest star arrived.
Beverly: Smile! [camera clicks]
Adam: Gah!
Beverly: Oh! There's my little Hollywood superstar on the first of many major motion pictures! [gasps] All dedicated to me!
Adam: Oh, good, it's my mom definitely coming to make everything better.
Beverly: I brought you soup.
Adam: They have food here, Mom. At least I think they do. I'm not allowed in that tent.
Beverly: I don't want to interrupt your life's work, so I'm just gonna get out of your hair and go around introducing myself to everybody.
Adam: Absolutely not!
Beverly: Everybody's gonna know you came from my body! Ooh, there's a guy with a megaphone. Maybe he'll let me use it. Hey!
Adam: Damn it! I can't leave my cone!
Quote from Erica
Erica: Proud enough to serve up your celebratory quiche right now? 'Cause Baby and Mama have a need to feed.
Quote from Barry
Barry: You should see Joanne's swanky office. So many books. She even has an assistant.
Joanne: Mrs. Thompson.
Barry: But I hilariously call her "Mrs. Thomas" after the famous English muffins.
Quote from Geoff
Lou Schwartz: Now that you're not a financial anchor, we get to spend our golden years in this house instead of a retirement home where orderlies do stuff to us.
Geoff: The stakes were much higher than any of us knew.
Quote from Adam
Adam: But right now, I just need someone to talk to that's not you.
Beverly: Heart shattered into a million pieces. But, you know, there is another option: Pop-Pop. He's a great listener.
Adam: Pop-Pop, wanna hear about my day?
Pop-Pop: I vaguely heard my name, and I didn't like it. Good luck with whatever it is you do and are.
Adam: And decision made.
Quote from Beverly
Beverly: Adam, please hurry. I don't know if I made this clear, but I'm movie star Kathleen Turner.
Adam: [on the phone with Brea] Great catching up! Okay. Gotta go! Bye! [hangs up] I'm gonna ask you to do something impossible, which is...explain yourself, lady!
Beverly: [normal voice] She'll lose interest in you if she thinks your life is garbage now.
Adam: But my life is garbage now. This moment in particular!
Beverly: She doesn't have to know that. Why shouldn't she think you're doing just as well as she is? You know... [scoffs] you are so lucky you've got such an improvisationally gifted mama. [laughs]