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Surprise, Surprise

‘Surprise, Surprise’

Season 7, Episode 10 - Aired December 1, 2004

Kelso hooks up with Hyde's sister, Angie (Megalyn Echikunwoke). Kitty agrees to help Jackie bake cookies to cheer Hyde up. Meanwhile, Donna agrees to promote Red's muffler shop on her radio show.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Hey, Hyde.
Hyde: Why are you smiling?
Kelso: I don't know. Talk to Angie today?
Hyde: No!
Kelso: Oh, yeah! I have officially nailed everyone in this room's sister.


Quote from Hyde

Eric: Oh, hey, Hyde, how's it going with the store and Kelso nailing your sister?
Angie Barnett: Steven, stop turning the Pat Boone albums into Pat Boner albums.
Hyde: Okay, you need to stop sleeping with Kelso, okay? It's embarrassing. And if you catch something, we don't have medical.
Angie Barnett: It's not embarrassing. He really likes me, and I really like him.
Hyde: You don't even know him. You do realize he has a really bad track record with women, right? Look, I just don't want to see you get hurt.
Angie Barnett: Oh, my God. That's so sweet. I finally feel like I have a brother.
Eric: Oh, Hyde has a sister... who got nailed by Kelso.

Quote from Eric

Fez: Hey, Eric, what do you do when you have two pieces of wood and want them to stick together?
Eric: Oh, you nail it. It's easy, it's kind of like how Kelso nailed Hyde's sister.
Fez: But I don't know if I can find a piece of wood that's as slutty as Hyde's sister.
Hyde: You guys been working on this a while?
Eric: About as long as Kelso's been working on your sister.

Quote from Jackie

Jackie: Stop it. Stop it. Everybody stop it. Steven, don't listen to them. Okay, I knew you were having a hard time, so I baked you these cookies.
Hyde: Oh. [bites cookie] Ow!
Jackie: Are they no good?
Hyde: No, no, they're good. I'll just suck on them.
Jackie: Oh, forget it, I've ruined them. They didn't make you feel better at all.
Eric: Oh, hey, Jackie, you know who did feel better? Hyde's sister after Kelso nailed her.
Hyde: Give me those. [throws cookies at Eric]

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: [through door] Hey, Angie. After you close up do you want to watch me eat a pizza?
Angie Barnett: Look, Michael, I'm not sure we should see each other again. A lot of people have told me you're not very serious about the women you date. A lot of people. A lot, a lot. Everybody.
Kelso: Okay, here's the thing about those stories. They're all true. I've made a lot of mistakes in my past, okay? And I could tell you that I've changed but I would rather just show you. So why don't we start off slow as friends?
[cut to Kelso and Angie in bed again:]
Kelso: My other friends do not let me do that.
Angie Barnett: Just do me one favor?
Kelso: Anything.
Angie Barnett: Just don't tell Hyde.
Kelso: No, I gotta tell Hyde.

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