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Quote from Kelso in Surprise, Surprise

Kelso: [through door] Hey, Angie. After you close up do you want to watch me eat a pizza?
Angie Barnett: Look, Michael, I'm not sure we should see each other again. A lot of people have told me you're not very serious about the women you date. A lot of people. A lot, a lot. Everybody.
Kelso: Okay, here's the thing about those stories. They're all true. I've made a lot of mistakes in my past, okay? And I could tell you that I've changed but I would rather just show you. So why don't we start off slow as friends?
[cut to Kelso and Angie in bed again:]
Kelso: My other friends do not let me do that.
Angie Barnett: Just do me one favor?
Kelso: Anything.
Angie Barnett: Just don't tell Hyde.
Kelso: No, I gotta tell Hyde.

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