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Quote from Hyde in Surprise, Surprise

Eric: Oh, hey, Hyde, how's it going with the store and Kelso nailing your sister?
Angie Barnett: Steven, stop turning the Pat Boone albums into Pat Boner albums.
Hyde: Okay, you need to stop sleeping with Kelso, okay? It's embarrassing. And if you catch something, we don't have medical.
Angie Barnett: It's not embarrassing. He really likes me, and I really like him.
Hyde: You don't even know him. You do realize he has a really bad track record with women, right? Look, I just don't want to see you get hurt.
Angie Barnett: Oh, my God. That's so sweet. I finally feel like I have a brother.
Eric: Oh, Hyde has a sister... who got nailed by Kelso.

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