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Eric's Burger Job

‘Eric's Burger Job’

Season 1, Episode 5 - Aired September 27, 1998

After Eric gets his first job working at a burger place, he's too busy to spend time with Donna when her parents go away for the weekend.

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: So, how's it going?
Eric: It's great.
Kitty: So, how's it going?
Eric: It's terrible.
Kitty: Yeah.
Eric: I'm exhausted, I'm behind on all my homework and I think this polyester uniform is giving me a body rash.
Kitty: Oh, oh, um, I swept the driveway for you.
Eric: Oh. Oh, Mom, I'm sorry, I forgot.
Kitty: That's okay. You know what? Here, I'll do this. You sit down and you eat your soup. You know, um... Eric, if you want to quit, your father and I will completely understand.
Eric: Did Dad tell you that?
Kitty: Well, you leave your father to me. You just worry about you.


Quote from Kitty

Ricky: Hey, Forman. Who said you were on break?
Kitty: I did.
Ricky: And who are you?
Kitty: I'm his mother.
Ricky: Good enough, then.

Quote from Donna

Donna: Hey.
Eric: Donna! Welcome to Fatso Burger, how- Oh, screw it. What are you doing here?
Donna: Oh, I was bored.
Eric: Really? You left your own party to come see me?
Donna: It's not much of a party without you there.
Eric: You're so queer.
Donna: Shut up.

Quote from Eric

Donna: um, Eric, the whole reason I told you my parents were going away was so we could hang. Together. You know, alone.
Eric: Yeah. I know, it's just, uh...
Donna: So, um...
Eric: Look, Donna, I'm sorry, okay? I would love to come over, but this is my job. And, work isn't fun, you know? It's work. And only quitters quit.
Donna: Well, as long as you know what's important. I'll see you around.

Quote from Eric

Eric: Mr. Pinciotti, you're home. Good.
Bob: Yeah, came back early. Yeah, missed the kids too much. What're you doing here?
Eric: Oh, uh... I was just coming home from work and I noticed that someone left your porch light on.
Bob: You can't even see that from your house. Good eye.
Eric: Thank you.
Bob: You know, Eric, that's what I like about you. I ask you to look out for Donna and here you are in the middle of the night hanging around the back door doing your job. You're a good guy, Eric. I don't care what they say about you. Ha! Gotcha. Well, goodnight now.
Eric: Okay, I was just gonna-
Bob: Yeah, there you go. [closes door]
Eric: Okay. Goodnight then.
Donna: [o.s.] Goodnight, Eric.

Quote from Eric

Ricky: Hey, hey, hey, Forman. Where's that big Fatso smile?
Eric: Ricky, how did you start working at Fatso Burger?
Ricky: Oh, great story. I was gonna go to college but then they made me Assistant Manager, just threw the money at me so I never got to go. But now I'm my own boss. Well, that's not true. I answer to a lot of people.
Eric: Okay. I quit now.
Ricky: Oh, yeah, I certainly would.

Quote from Fez

Donna: Hey, Fez.
Fez: Good evening, Donna. Which of these ladies are easy?
Tina: Donna, some of your creepy friends are using Dad's stereo.
Donna: You guys, no one's allowed in the house!
Fez: Hello, pretty lady.
Donna: She's not a pretty lady. She's my sister and she's 14.
Fez: You know, in my country...
Hyde: It's illegal here.
Fez: Oh, I see.

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