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Quote from Kitty in Eric's Burger Job

Kitty: So, how's it going?
Eric: It's great.
Kitty: So, how's it going?
Eric: It's terrible.
Kitty: Yeah.
Eric: I'm exhausted, I'm behind on all my homework and I think this polyester uniform is giving me a body rash.
Kitty: Oh, oh, um, I swept the driveway for you.
Eric: Oh. Oh, Mom, I'm sorry, I forgot.
Kitty: That's okay. You know what? Here, I'll do this. You sit down and you eat your soup. You know, um... Eric, if you want to quit, your father and I will completely understand.
Eric: Did Dad tell you that?
Kitty: Well, you leave your father to me. You just worry about you.

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