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Season 5, Episode 2 -  Aired October 3, 2019

Amy tries to gather glowing character testimonials for Mateo to help his case. Jonah offers to plan an engagement party for Sandra after maid-of-honor Dina refuses to throw one. Meanwhile, Glenn and Marcus compete for Mateo's old locker.

Quote from Amy

Eugene: And I was like, "I think I just broke my tailbone, can you pull the box off me?" 'Cause I was pinned under this washing machine. But Mateo was too busy laughing. That's Mateo for you. He's got a great sense of humor.
Amy: Hey, Eugene. Um, I need you to go and scrub the walls.
Eugene: You got it! Yes! [exits]
Amy: He's fun, isn't he? But I would strike everything he said from the record.
Richard: Yeah, I didn't write any of it down.
Amy: Besides, I already told you Mateo's great, so isn't that enough?
Richard: Honestly, right now, I'm representing a Pulitzer Prize winner, a heart surgeon that's a father of six, and a former Olympic athlete, and those people aren't guaranteed to get out on bond. So no, sorry. It's not enough.


Quote from Glenn

Glenn: So, one time, Mateo... [coughs, snorts] It's a funny story. It's a true story.

Quote from Jeff

Jeff: Besides, this is your fault. If you had stopped the store from unionizing like I said, Cloud 9 would have never sent ICE.
Amy: Why do people keep blaming this on me? How was I supposed to know?
Richard: Wait, I'm sorry. Did you say the company called ICE because you were unionizing?
Jeff: I mostly said it was Amy's fault, but yeah.
Richard: ICE isn't supposed to do worksite enforcement during a labor dispute. If you guys have proof that corporate ordered the raid, then we might have a better chance.
Amy: Proof? Yes. We have that. W- We'll go get it.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Jerry. You're here... and dressy. Uh, Sandra, I know I said the party...
Sandra: I know, I know. We'll make sure to act surprised.
Jerry: I'm so excited. This is my first party.
Jonah: Like... ever? [Jerry nods] Wow, um... okay, well, you two lovebirds just, uh, hang out. Uh, something's a-coming. [laughs] And it is gonna be... good.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: Hey, Jerry, good to see you.
Jerry: Really?
Garrett: Uh, yeah.

Quote from Dina

Dina: What do you got there, buddy?
Jonah: Uh, just... I just... This, I just, um, I forgot my lunch today, so I thought I'd... I'd have a little treat.
Dina: Well, if that's your lunch, don't let me stop you from eating it.
Jonah: Oh. Okay, uh, great, cool. Here we go. Yummy. [eats small bite] Mmm. Mmm. Well, you know what? That is probably enough for me. I am gonna save the rest of this.
Dina: We're not leaving this table until you finish every bite of your lunch. And you better hurry. Your break's over in eight minutes.

Quote from Garrett

Jerry: Hi, Garrett.
Garrett: Hey.
Jerry: Cool. Um, so before, when you said it was good to see me, I should've told you, it's good to see you too.
Garrett: Oh. Okay. Well, talk to you later.
Jerry: When?
Garrett: What?
Jerry: When do you think we'll talk later?
Garrett: I don't know, buddy.
Jerry: Buddy.

Quote from Jeff

Richard: So your contact fell through?
Jeff: Yeah, and I'm kicking myself, because if I had just recorded the meeting when they decided to call ICE...
Richard: Wait, I didn't realize you were in the room. Well, we can just have you go on record at the hearing.
Amy: What? Really? Amazing! Let's do that.
Jeff: Yeah, yeah. On the record? Like the official record? I mean, like, corporate could hear that I said it?
Amy: Jeff.
Jeff: No, it's totally fine. Totally fine. But, you know what? Um, yeah. I'm not gonna do it.

Quote from Garrett

Jerry: I'm really enjoying our male friendship.
Garrett: Yep. Okay.
Jerry: Will you be my best man?
Garrett: Um...

Quote from Jeff

Jeff: I'm sorry, I can't afford to lose this job. I just bought a third Subaru.
Amy: How could you do this to Mateo?
Jeff: Look, what if I lose my job and he doesn't get out? I mean, then nobody wins.
Cheyenne: [enters] Hey, Amy. I just finished cleaning out Mateo's locker. Should I send this stuff to his family?
Amy: I mean, I guess, if it's just a bunch of personal stuff.
Cheyenne: Mostly gum and a few Celine Dion hats.
Jeff: Wait. What's this? He still had this in his locker?
Amy: Yeah, he had it hung up in there.
Jeff: Huh. I didn't realize he still had feelings. Wow, this is big, um... I'll do it.
Amy: What?
Jeff: I'll testify.

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