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Quote from Jeff in Testimonials

Jeff: I'm sorry, I can't afford to lose this job. I just bought a third Subaru.
Amy: How could you do this to Mateo?
Jeff: Look, what if I lose my job and he doesn't get out? I mean, then nobody wins.
Cheyenne: [enters] Hey, Amy. I just finished cleaning out Mateo's locker. Should I send this stuff to his family?
Amy: I mean, I guess, if it's just a bunch of personal stuff.
Cheyenne: Mostly gum and a few Celine Dion hats.
Jeff: Wait. What's this? He still had this in his locker?
Amy: Yeah, he had it hung up in there.
Jeff: Huh. I didn't realize he still had feelings. Wow, this is big, um... I'll do it.
Amy: What?
Jeff: I'll testify.

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