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Secret Shopper

‘Secret Shopper’

Season 1, Episode 6 - Aired January 18, 2016

The Cloud 9 staff are on their best behavior when they expect a secret shopper to visit the store. Meanwhile, Amy gets competitive with Jonah after he talks up his perfect test score.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Yes! It's all coming back to me. It's like riding a four-ton bicycle.


Quote from Amy

Jonah: So is there anything you want to talk about? Or should we just continue to destroy the stockroom?
Amy: Look, I haven't told anyone here this because it would be really embarrassing if it didn't work out, but I've started taking college courses.
Jonah: Well, that's...
Amy: If anything you're about to say includes the words "brave," "courageous," or "girl power," please don't talk. So it was a little annoying when you started rubbing that stupid test in my face as if it meant you were smarter than me or something.
Jonah: I don't think I'm smarter than you.
Amy: I know you're not smarter than me. That's what's so annoying. You're just one of those guys that things seem to work out for.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: I flunked out of business school... in Chicago. I didn't want to be there anyway. It was stupid. I was just 28 and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. And apparently what I wanted to do with my life was rack up a whole bunch of debt.
Amy: So what'd you do?
Jonah: I took a long drive. And then I wanted a snack, and so I stopped at this random store in St. Louis and saw they were hiring, and...
Amy: Wow.

Quote from Dina

Dina: I got to hand it to that guy. He's good. I wouldn't be surprised if he had CIA training. Spent a little time at The Farm.
Amy: You know they just sent the same guy they did last time, right?

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: What you watching? Stuff?
Garrett: Corporate sent a secret shopper to the Richmond Heights store. It did not go well.
Jonah: I think the screen froze.
Garrett: Nah, he just stays like that for another 20 minutes.
Amy: I heard the Maplewood Commons got a secret shopper too.
Dina: Yeah, they cleaned house after. Fired everyone.
Glenn: Even the manager?
Dina: Especially the manager.
Glenn: How do you get especially fired?

Quote from Amy

Mateo: I would love for them to send a secret shopper. But then again, I got a 93 on my last corporate policy test, so nothing but net.
Amy: Mateo, those scores don't mean anything.
Jonah: I don't know. 93 is pretty impressive. I got 100.
Amy: [scoffs] Really?
Jonah: Well, that was a hurtfully exaggerated "really."
Amy: No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to sound bad. I just meant, you're not very good at your job.
Jonah: Oh, okay. Well, thank you.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Hey. Here you are. [hands Amy a jar]
Amy: Olives?
Jonah: It's the closest thing I could find to an olive branch.
Amy: Thanks. Uh, so I guess now I restock these...
Jonah: No, no, no, I'll do it. I'll... I'll...

Quote from Amy

Man: Excuse me. Where can I find the charcoal?
Amy: Grocery. [smiles at Jonah]
Jonah: Look, I'm sorry for going over your head like that. And I know what you're thinking. I wouldn't have done that if you were a man.
Amy: Nope. Wasn't thinking that.
Jonah: Oh, good.
Amy: It's fine. Just, next time, come to me first before you go to Glenn, all right?
Jonah: Got it, got it. Although, I did come to you first.
Amy: Yeah, so next time, do a better job of it.
Jonah: Better job.
Amy: Yeah.
Jonah: Copy that. How?

Quote from Jonah

Amy: How about you hang these nifty signs and then grab a mop? Because I don't think that raccoon ever left us.
Jonah: Will do, uh, so... so real quick, and I hate to even mention this, but I think there's, like, a store policy against hanging flyers.
Amy: Yeah, I'm not, like, looking for a new bassist for my punk band; I think this is fine.
Jonah: Right, right, of course. But there really is a policy.
Amy: Yeah, you just said that.
Jonah: But I'm now trying to do a better job of saying it.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: [chuckles] Jonah, do you know why I called you in here?
Jonah: Uh, no. Am I in trouble?
Glenn: [forced laugh] As if. Why? Am I in trouble?
Jonah: Um, I-I don't think so.
Glenn: Whew. That's a relief.
Jonah: Yeah.
Glenn: So, um... I'm just gonna come out and say it. You know, I think I deserve a raise.
Jonah: Absolutely.
Glenn: Really?
Jonah: Yeah. A big one.
Glenn: Would you be willing to tell people about that?
Jonah: Am I? Sure, yeah. I'll definitely... I'll tell whoever you want, yeah.
Glenn: Oh, my God. I-I don't know... You... you... I'm so glad we had this conversation.
Jonah: Yeah.
Glenn: I keep a tin of candies in here for special occasions. They are wickedly sour. [puts candy in mouth and grimaces]

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