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Quote from Glenn in Secret Shopper

Glenn: [chuckles] Jonah, do you know why I called you in here?
Jonah: Uh, no. Am I in trouble?
Glenn: [forced laugh] As if. Why? Am I in trouble?
Jonah: Um, I-I don't think so.
Glenn: Whew. That's a relief.
Jonah: Yeah.
Glenn: So, um... I'm just gonna come out and say it. You know, I think I deserve a raise.
Jonah: Absolutely.
Glenn: Really?
Jonah: Yeah. A big one.
Glenn: Would you be willing to tell people about that?
Jonah: Am I? Sure, yeah. I'll definitely... I'll tell whoever you want, yeah.
Glenn: Oh, my God. I-I don't know... You... you... I'm so glad we had this conversation.
Jonah: Yeah.
Glenn: I keep a tin of candies in here for special occasions. They are wickedly sour. [puts candy in mouth and grimaces]

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