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Season 5, Episode 10 -  Aired December 12, 2019

Amy is nervous as Jonah and Sandra head to Corporate for the union contract negotiations. Meanwhile, Glenn, Mateo and Garrett compete to sell awful clearance items.

Quote from Cheyenne

Dina: What's up with the tree? We doing a dystopian nightmare Christmas this year?
Cheyenne: No, some raccoons just went HAM on it in storage.


Quote from Cheyenne

Amy: What happened to this tree?
Cheyenne: Oh, seems like some raccoons definitely had sex in it... or with it.

Quote from Marcus

Marcus: Hey. How's Jonah doing out there? Crushing it? God, you ever look at that guy and get so proud, you have to look away?
Amy: Well, all I know so far is that he's got parking. There's probably just nothing else to report. I mean, in which case he could have said, "Nothing to report," but he didn't, and that's fine.
Marcus: Don't worry. If he texts me first, I'll download you.
Sayid: Amy, what's the scoop on the poop?
Amy: Nothing yet.
Marcus: But we'll let you know.
Amy: I will let you know. He's gonna text me first.
Marcus: Cool, we'll just get a text tree going. Jonah texts whichever one of us... gut says me.
Amy: It's not gonna be you. I've seen his favorites. You're not in there.
Marcus: What?
Sayid: Nice, Amy. Guess who's gonna be cleaning this up all afternoon. Come on, buddy.

Quote from Amy

Janet: Ooh, Amy, how's union stuff going?
Amy: I know what you know, Janet, which is [bleep] nothing! But when there is news, I, uh... well, I'll tell you first.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: To be clear, you want the workers to buy safety equipment for your stores? What are we gonna throw in next... carts, shelving? You know, maybe... maybe we could pay your salaries. How much do you make? Maybe I could go get my checkbook.

Quote from Amy

Amy: We cannot just chop down a tree. We're not the paper towel guy.
Cheyenne: Come on, Amy, it's Christmas. Plus, this will be the first legal thing I've ever done in the woods.

Quote from Dina

Cheyenne: Timber!
Dina: No, you don't say that until...
Amy: Timber!
Dina: No, no, you wait and say it when it falls.
Both: Timber!

Quote from Dina

Dina: Paul Bunyan can suck it. [both cheer]

Quote from Glenn

Amy: Right, so, evidently, a tree fell and hit a transformer box, weirdly.
Dina: That is literally all we know.
Justine: What if Corporate did this to intimidate us in negotiations?
Sayid: Yeah, they're saying we're powerless as a union.
Glenn: Or they're saying we have no heat as a union. Never mind. Sayid's was better.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: A 75-cent wage increase? We're asking for $3.
Herb: You're floor workers. It's not your fault that you don't get the ins and outs of the budget.
Jonah: We may be floor workers, but we're not morons. I-I actually went to business school.
Sandra: And I'm engaged to be married.
Herb: Exciting. Look, if your negotiator were here, she'd tell you that this is the best deal you're gonna get.
Jonah: You're right, she's not. But that doesn't mean that you get to just sprinkle a few crumbs and expect a thank-you. We're... We're not here for the crumbs, you know? W-w-we're here for the whole, you know, cookie. The... or the... the pie. The whole baked good.
Herb: Okay, just relax.
Jonah: We don't get to relax! That's kind of the point. No, we go to work mopping up scum in your stores and... and ruining our knees lifting boxes, and after all of that, we still can't afford rent or... or to go to a doctor when we're sick or to... to buy a car instead of taking five different buses to work.
Herb: Five buses? Really?
Sandra: The 34 to the 66 to the 94 to the 70 to the 58X.
Herb: [sighs] Look, guys, we want to work with you. It's just that this stuff is kind of complicated.
Jonah: We'll make it simple for you. Do better, or we go on strike.

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