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Deep Cleaning

‘Deep Cleaning’

Season 6, Episode 11 - Aired March 4, 2021

With the store closed for a deep clean, Glenn decides to host a holiday party for the employees who've missed so much during the pandemic. Meanwhile, Mateo hopes to impress Eric's parents when they pick up an order, and Dina gets high off the cleaning fumes.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Take a lap. Come on. Take a lap. Keep going. Come on. Keep going. Take a lap. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Time to shine. [car honking] Keep going. Take... [car honks] Excuse me, I said take a [bleep] lap, okay?
Connie: Mateo! We just honked to say hi.
Mateo: Connie. Ron. [nervous chuckle] Oh, my God, guys. Hi...


Quote from Jonah

Jonah: So you didn't give them their order?
Mateo: Well, I couldn't let them drive away thinking I'm some sort of yelling, foul-mouthed dockworker!
Jonah: I'm so sorry. I guess they got a new car. Doesn't matter. Look, it was an accident, okay? I'm sure they'll forgive you.
Mateo: Like they forgave you for taking a dump all over Emma's quinceañera?
Jonah: I mean, I wouldn't say... I mean, that... They were really different after that.

Quote from Garrett

Glenn: So it turns out that pumpkins are definitely not in season, so I thought maybe we could carve these into jack-o'-lanterns.
Garrett: I don't think you can carve oranges, but I just put a hand turkey on a menorah, so I guess anything's on the table.

Quote from Justine

Justine: I don't know what you guys were planning, but for St. Patrick's Day, my aunt makes this amazing Irish soda bread.
Glenn: Kind of thought this covered it.
Justine: Oh. Okay. It's just, I was missing that soda bread this year. That, and my aunt's hot son. Aye-oh! [chuckles]
Glenn: Well, I've never actually made soda bread before, but I could take a shot at it.

Quote from Glenn

Tony: Since you guys are taking suggestions...
Garrett: We're not...
Tony: My girlfriend and I were gonna paint mugs for each other for Valentine's Day. I was gonna do a raptor on hers. It would've been sick.
Garrett: Okay, so you're saying that you want us to set up a mug painting station?
Glenn: No, no. Garrett, it's okay. I just need a pen and a piece of paper to write all these great ideas down.
Garrett: Yeah, they're great. [quietly] Hey, uh, Glenn? You don't need to kill yourself.
Glenn: Yeah, but come on. You see how badly they need this. [Garrett sighs] Okay! So who's got requests? Let me hear it.
Cody: My mom makes this menudo for Nochebuena. [sighs] Next level.

Quote from Dina

Cheyenne: I don't know. I don't think you should eat anything back here. It smells like garbage and raccoon pee.
Dina: It's not pee. It's placenta. They keep nesting in here. I just need to find these salt and vinegar cookies. I know we stuck some back here after they were recalled. [phone buzzes] [gasps] It's Brian. I can't talk to him like this.
Cheyenne: Why not? Bo and I always help each other if we're high. I mean, this one time, I got scared of hair, so he shaved all the dogs for us. It was really sweet.
Dina: No, I just don't want Brian to know. I don't want anyone to know. It's embarrassing. Look at me! I just invaded a raccoon's nest looking for cookies that will definitely make me sick. Oh! Thank God! Here they are.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: And we saw your special request, and warmed up that cottage cheese for you. So good luck.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Look, Mateo just kind of wants to get off on the right foot with you guys, you know what I mean? Between us, he's not even supposed to be working curbside. He just saw this as an opportunity to, you know, win your approval, you know, for his future with Eric.
Ron: Our approval?
Connie: Like, our blessing?
Jonah: Yeah, I mean, you know, whatever you want to call it, so...
Connie: Our baby's getting married!
Jonah: Oh! Oh, no! No, no, no. That's not what I...
Ron: It's okay. We won't tell Mateo you told us. Connie's really good at acting surprised.
Connie: Oh, yeah.
Jonah: Cool. Just to be clear, though...

Quote from Jonah

Mateo: Hey, guys! So sorry for the delay. I threw in a couple of extra kettle chips to make it up to you.
Connie: Ay, Dios mío. [gasps] I'm so surprised. [giggles]
Ron: Our son is lucky to have you.
Mateo: Wow, you really love kettle chips.
Ron: Mateo, by the way, if you want to talk to us, maybe we can go inside. Somewhere a little more comfortable?
Mateo: Sure! Absolutely!
Jonah: Uh, right now? What about your poker game, Ron?
Ron: Hey, some things are more important.
Jonah: Ah.
Ron: Come on.
Connie: Jonah. Park the car.
Jonah: Oh. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Happy to help.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: It's so nice to be able to sit down in person. I bet you thought I was just shoulders with a head. [both laugh]
Connie: We did! That's funny, huh?
Ron: So funny. [all laugh]
Jonah: Hey, uh, Mateo, can I talk to you for a minute? Uh, there's a- There's a curbside emergency.
Mateo: Uh-huh. Sure. [stands up] Oh, look. I even got legs. [both laugh]

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