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Season 6, Episode 9 - Aired February 11, 2021

After Zephra bans the use of the phrase "Have a heavenly day", Glenn falls down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole with Sandra and Marcus. Meanwhile, Cheyenne and Mateo continue their feud, while Jonah is upset that Garrett doesn't remember one of their fights.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: I'm telling you they would freak out.
Cheyenne: I don't know. Would people actually believe that I put bees in your sandwich? I mean, like, where do we even get a bunch of dead bees?
Mateo: I think we just use raisins, and I sell it.


Quote from Glenn

Glenn: So turns out that very aggressive redhead who came in yesterday was not Carrot Top. [all groan]
Dina: I know. We've reviewed the tape several times and can't in good conscious call it a match.
Jonah: I'm sorry, guys. I guess I just saw what I wanted to see.
Sandra: But he posed for so many photos with me.

Quote from Cheyenne

Dina: Next up, we're running short on reusable bags.
Cheyenne: Oh, we can just use the ones under Mateo's eyes.
All: Oh!
Justine: Savage.
Garrett: Mm...
Jonah: Are you guys still beefing? I'm honestly impressed with the commitment.

Quote from Garrett

Dina: I have to open early, so let's just stick to one round tonight. Oh, and make sure to text the group chain when you arrive.
Garrett: Are we sure that Brian needs to know the exact time that we're having sex?
Dina: Hey, successful polyamory requires complete, constant communication. Speaking of, I read your postcoital report from last night. You didn't fill in emotional state.
Garrett: Hungry and sleepy, that's usually where I'm at.

Quote from Glenn

Woman: Excuse me, do you have gay iPad cases?
Glenn: Uh, yeah, in electronics. Have a heavenly day.
Dina: Wait, you didn't hear about that either?
Glenn: What?
Dina: Oh, today is fun for me. Zephra's asking that we no longer use the term "heavenly day."
Glenn: What?
Dina: Yeah, there was a memo. They feel it's a little loaded.
Glenn: Yeah. Yeah, it's loaded with kindness! It's the same thing as saying "have a nice day" or "have a good day."
Dina: Great. Then say one of those instead.
Glenn: To the customers? I might as well give 'em the middle finger.

Quote from Mateo

Justine: You were killing it this morning. When you said that protection thing to Cheyenne, I legit peed a little, and not even that little.
Mateo: Well, thanks. Although, credit should really go to Cheyenne for not being able to keep it in her pants. [laughter]

Quote from Cheyenne

Mateo: What the hell?
Cheyenne: Oh, whoops. I don't know how that unflattering photo of you ended up on all these screens. Let me change it. [Mateo gasps] [Justine laughs]
Isaac: He looks like one of those little boy-band boys!
Mateo: At the time, that was the best hair you could have.
Janet: Uh-huh.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Okay. Do you guys know every time you see Cheyenne hanging around the cell phone kiosk, it's 'cause that's where she goes to fart. [Cheyenne gasps]
Janet: Ew.
Cheyenne: Blowing up my fart spot is messed up.
Mateo: You're messed up.
Cheyenne: You're messed up.
Mateo: You're messed up.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Man, those two are pissed at each other. This is bigger than our Dune fight. [chuckles]
Garrett: What's a Dune fight?
Jonah: When we were roommates, remember? I came home, and you and Randy were watching the director's cut of Dune without me, even though I specifically said that I wanted to.
Garrett: I mean, I remember watching Dune with Randy, but you were there?
Jonah: No, no. That's why I was so pissed, remember? And then... And then to get you back, I made six branzinos and stunk up the place.
Garrett: That's why you did that? I thought you were just premaking your meals for the workweek.
Jonah: You thought I was gonna eat a branzino every day for a week?
Garrett: I don't monitor your fish intake.
Jonah: Do you seriously not remember? That was, like, our first big fight. But whatever. No bigs.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Hey, guys, I need some computer help. I'm trying to email my friend Gary at Cloud 9 corporate, you know, about them making us say, "have a non-heavenly day."
Jonah: Oh, I'm not sure that's what they were going for. I think they're just trying to play it safe, you know, 'cause some people don't believe in Heaven. [awkward silence]
Glenn: Anyway, every time I email him, I keep getting this weird message back from a mailer demon.
Garrett: Oh, that just means a demon ate your friend Gary's soul.
Jonah: What? No, it's mailer-daemon. It means that the email doesn't exist anymore. I'm sure there was a whole bunch of reshuffling at corporate when Zephra took over.
Glenn: So no more Gary, no more Heaven, just more computers and demons.

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