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Quote from Glenn in Conspiracy

Glenn: Hey, guys, I need some computer help. I'm trying to email my friend Gary at Cloud 9 corporate, you know, about them making us say, "have a non-heavenly day."
Jonah: Oh, I'm not sure that's what they were going for. I think they're just trying to play it safe, you know, 'cause some people don't believe in Heaven. [awkward silence]
Glenn: Anyway, every time I email him, I keep getting this weird message back from a mailer demon.
Garrett: Oh, that just means a demon ate your friend Gary's soul.
Jonah: What? No, it's mailer-daemon. It means that the email doesn't exist anymore. I'm sure there was a whole bunch of reshuffling at corporate when Zephra took over.
Glenn: So no more Gary, no more Heaven, just more computers and demons.

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