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Cloud 9 Academy

‘Cloud 9 Academy’

Season 4, Episode 10 - Aired March 7, 2019

Amy and Cheyenne attend a Cloud 9 Academy seminar to advance their careers. Mateo tries to find a way to apply for asylum in the United States. Meanwhile, Garrett and Dina reluctantly look after Glenn's baby as he tries to babyproof his office.

Quote from Garrett

Glenn: Daddy loves you, Rose. [baby cooing]
Garrett: Yeah, if Daddy loved you, he would have gotten you a babysitter. Why don't you think about that? [baby babbles]


Quote from Amy

Terence: It seems like a good spread, but it was an even better spread last year. They had cereal.
Amy: Mmm. So, if you were here last year, why are you taking the class again?
Terence: 'Cause I didn't pass the first time. Thanks for making me say it.
Amy: Oh, no, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to...

Quote from Amy

Amy: Excuse me, hi. Quick question: Is this a class that people fail often?
Gary: Well, I mean, I wouldn't like to call it "failing," but yeah, people fail.
Amy: Oh. I thought this was just sort of like a introductory seminar.
Gary: If you don't mind, this is a short break, and I'm trying to eat my breakfast.
Amy: Oh, yeah, yeah. No, sorry. Danish away. I'm just gonna... It's just, I'm a little bit concerned, because I've waited so long to do the manager thing and to kind of find out all of a sudden that I could potentially fail out on the first day...
Gary: We only get so many breaks, so I'm gonna hit this.
Amy: Yeah, no, you should hit it. Yeah, okay. Just wanna make sure that the interrupting thing isn't gonna affect the pass/fail...
Gary: You know what, [bleep], let's just start. [throws pastry away] Let's just start!

Quote from Amy

Gary: Now in the warehouse, if your non-con feeders are doing full pallet pick...
Cheyenne: Amy, hey. What's a "non-con"?
Amy: Non-conveyable, it's in the book.
Gary: Amy, could you focus up, please?
Amy: Yeah, no, I'm sorry. I was just, um... I'm sorry.
Gary: Anyway, it's called a warehouse, but don't let it wear you out.
Amy: [laughs] Sorry, I... I'm just... I'm laughing because I was listening to you.
Garrett: It's not my joke. It's part of the lesson plan.
Amy: You delivered it funny.

Quote from Amy

Gary: All right, so, now you guys are going to design a program to improve customer satisfaction. Everyone pick a partner, and choose wisely, the wrong partner can literally ruin your life.
Amy: Oh, you-
Cheyenne: Wanna work together?
Amy: Uh, well, um... I... I don't... Gary, uh, probably not a great idea to work with someone we already know, right?
Gary: Oh, I don't care.
Amy: Oh, well, Gary doesn't care, so, yeah.
Cheyenne: Baller. I was afraid I was gonna get stuck with some dunce.
Amy: Mm-hmm. That would suck.

Quote from Dina

Dina: What do we think about this frog? It's very soft, but anatomically, they took a lot of liberties.
Garrett: This seems like a lot of work for a baby you don't have feelings about.
Dina: No, I mean, it's a human child, I don't wish it ill will. I'm not a psychopath. I just don't particularly care more about this baby than I do about that one.
Garrett: Who the hell is that baby?
Man: Uh, thanks. I'll be right back. I just gotta grab a few things.
Dina: Oh, no this isn't child care.
Garrett: Oh, no, we don't provide this service.
Dina: See, that's what it looks like when you don't care about a baby.

Quote from Glenn

Janet: [answers phone] Hello.
Glenn: Oh, hey, Janet. Oh, yay. Hey, it's Glenn.
Janet: Who?
Glenn: Glenn, Glenn Sturgis.
Janet: I'll connect you.
Glenn: No, no, no, Janet, don't hang up. Don't- [phone ringing] [answers phone] Glenn Sturgis.

Quote from Cheyenne

Gary: So, up next we're gonna do a little role-play. Amy, why don't you be the manager, and you're gonna talk to Cheyenne about her repeated absences. Your job is to communicate your expectations without making her feel like she's being attacked. Okay? And go.
Amy: Um, hey, Cheyenne, you've been missing quite a bit of work lately.
Cheyenne: Um, I'm sorry, can we, um, time out? 'Cause I'm starting to feel attacked right now.
Amy: How was I attacking you?
Cheyenne: Well, it wasn't so much the words, but the way that she is looking at me right now just makes it seem like she is really angry.
Amy: No, I- I wasn't.
Gary: Hey, Amy, if that's what you're giving off, try to accept it and correct it.
Amy: Okay. Hey, sweetie.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: Thank you all for coming to the inaugural meeting of, uh, St. Louis Society Against Duterte. [applause]
Marcus: SLSAD.
Mateo: Uh-huh. Mm-hmm.
Sandra: So, what kind of stuff are we gonna be doing?
Mateo: That is a good question. Jonah, wanna handle this one?
Jonah: Um, we could... start with a letter-writing campaign.
Mateo: Yes.
Ernesto: Who would we write letters to?
Mateo: I guess Duterte. So does anyone know his address?
Jasmine: Duterte imprisoned a lot of my family. I'd rather not be pen pals with him.

Quote from Mateo

Marcus: Guys, we should march on something. What could we march on?
Ernesto: How 'bout Washington?
Marcus: I was just gonna say Washington.
Sandra: Yeah.
Mateo: Okay, how do we do a march? There's, like, eight of us, that's more of a walk.
Sandra: I wouldn't mind taking a walk.
Marcus: Yeah, I like a good walk.
Ernesto: Yeah.

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