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The Apology

‘The Apology’

Season 9, Episode 9 -  Aired December 11, 1997

George is upset when he doesn't get an apology from recovering alcoholic Jason Hanky (guest star James Spader). Jerry realizes there's "bad naked" when his girlfriend constantly walks around the apartment in the nude. Elaine's colleague seems to have a problem with her germs. Meanwhile, Kramer decides to improve his shower routine.

Quote from Kramer

Jerry: [answers phone] Hello?
Kramer: Jerry, guess where I'm calling from.
Jerry: World War I plane?
Kramer: No, I'm in my shower. I'm trying to get out of the shower sooner. And then I asked myself why. I mean, this is where I wanna be. I got a waterproof phone, I shaved, I brushed my teeth, and I ordered a pair of chinos from J. Crew.
Jerry: When are you getting out?
Kramer: I'm not. I'll see you later, buddy.


Quote from Elaine

Jerry: Oh, great, Elaine. What is wrong with my body?
Elaine: Chicken-wing shoulder blades.
Jerry: That's it?
Elaine: No, but that's one problem. Why?
Jerry: Well, I was walking around naked in front of Melissa the other day...
Elaine: Whoa. Walking around naked? That is not a good look for a man.
George: Why not? It's a good look for a woman.
Elaine: Well, female body is a work of art. The male body is utilitarian. It's for getting around. It's like a Jeep.
Jerry: So you don't think it's attractive?
Elaine: It's hideous. The hair, the lumpiness. It's simian.
George: Well, some women like it.
Elaine: Sickies.

Quote from George

Jason Hanky: Hi, I'm Jason. I'm a Rage-aholic.
All: Hi, Jason.
Jason Hanky: This is my first meeting.
George: Step-skipper. That man is a step-skipper. He skips Step 9.
Jason Hanky: Please, Step 9.
George: That's right. He never apologized to me for saying that I would stretch out the neck hole on his sweater. [all laugh] It wasn't funny.
Jason Hanky: It was a very nice sweater. Take a look at his neck, not to mention the melon sitting on top of it. I don't know if I'd trust him with a V-neck.
George: He's bebopping and scatting, and I'm losing it.

Quote from George

George: Oh, hello, Hanky, others.
Jason Hanky: George.
George: You know, Jason, I couldn't help notice: I didn't get my apology.
Jason Hanky: Apology? For what?
George: A draughty apartment. A sweaterless friend. A ball-game-giveaway MetLife Windbreaker.
Jason Hanky: George, come on. Not that neck-hole thing.
George: Yes, the neck-hole thing. And I would appreciate it if you'd say you're sorry.
Jason Hanky: No way. You would have completely stretched it out.
George: You're an alcoholic! You have to apologize. Step 9. Step 9.
Jason Hanky: All right, George, all right. I'm sorry. I'm very, very sorry. I'm so sorry that I didn't want your rather bulbous head struggling to find its way through the normal-size neck hole of my finely knit sweater.

Quote from George

Man: George, here, have a seat.
George: Where's Hanky?
Leader: Okay, let's get started. Welcome to Rage-aholics Anonymous.
George: What? Rage-aholics?
Man: George, this can help you. Hey, I am not here for rage. I'm here for revenge.
Leader: Excuse me. We have a no-yelling policy at these meetings.
George: Excuse me. Am I talking to you, pinhead? Am I?
Leader: Please don't call me pinhead.
George: I'm losing it.

Quote from Kramer

Elaine: This food is fantastic, Kramer. And what a pretty radish rose, huh?
Kramer: Well, thank you.
Elaine: Well, here's to Peggy on her first week of being germfree free.
Kramer: And here's to David Puddy for helping me install a much-needed and much-appreciated garbage disposal in my bathtub.
Peggy: You have a garbage disposal in your bathtub?
Kramer: Oh, yeah, and I use it all the time. Yeah, I made this whole meal in there.
Elaine: This food was in the shower with you?
Kramer: Uh-huh. I prepared it as I bathed.
David Puddy: Oh, germs. Germs. Germs!

Quote from George

George: So you're Jason Hanky's supervisor.
Man: Sponsor.
George: Whatever. Listen, I'm very concerned about this guy.
Man: He's doing very well. He's already on to Step 10.
George: Yes, well, when you don't do the steps you can go through them pretty fast. You can get through six a day.
Man: Is there some unresolved issue between you and Jason?
George: I don't know, a little something called Step 9? Instead of an apology he was bebopping and scatting all over me.
Man: I'm not sure what you want me to do.
George: Well, aren't you the boss of him? You shouldn't let him move up. When I was in Cub Scouts, I got stuck on Webelos for three years because I kept losing the Pinewood Derby.
Man: You're quite upset.
George: Well, I think you should drop him down to Step 2.
Man: Admit there's a higher power?
George: Yeah, let him chew on that for a while.
Man: You know, George, I think I can help you. We're having a meeting. Why don't you come by?
George: All right. That's more like it. Thank you very much. By the way, my uncle was an alcoholic.

Quote from George

George: Remember that party he threw a few years ago? He had that very draughty apartment. I think on 9th Avenue...
Elaine: Faster.
George: I asked if I could borrow a sweater.
Jerry: A cashmere sweater.
George: I said, preferably cashmere. For warmth. So in front of the whole party, he says: "No. I don't want you stretching out the neck hole." [Elaine laughs] Oh, yeah, sure, laugh it up. Everybody else did.
Elaine: Well, it's funny. I mean, you have a big head. Or is it because of your neck?
Jerry: No, I think the head does most of the stretching.
George: Regardless, I had to walk around for the rest of the party in some cheap MetLife Windbreaker. Now it is payback time.
Elaine: I really think it's the size of your neck.
George: It's my head!

Quote from Jerry

George: So she coughed.
Jerry: Coughing? Naked? It's a turnoff, man
George: Everything goes with naked.
Jerry: When you cough, there are thousands of unseen muscles that suddenly spring into action. It's like watching a fat guy catch a cannonball in his stomach in slow motion.
George: Oh, you spoiled, spoiled man. Do you know how much mental energy I expend trying to picture women naked?
Jerry: But the thing you don't realize is there's good naked and bad naked. Naked hair brushing, good. Naked crouching, bad.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: Peggy, we gotta talk. What is it about me that you find so offensive?
Peggy: You seem to be with a lot of men.
Elaine: What? I happen to have a very steady boyfriend. You know, I mean, we broke up a few times, and there has been an occasional guy here or there, but... Why is this your business?
Peggy: It's not. Good day.
Elaine: Oh, all right. You think I've got germs? I'll give you some germs. [wipes keyboard across her butt] How about some for your keyboard, huh? How about that? Yeah? Oh, how about for your stapler? [puts stapler under armpit] That's good, isn't it?
Peggy: You have a happy and a healthy.
[Elaine coughs on Peggy's doorknob]

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