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My Fallen Idol

‘My Fallen Idol’

Season 5, Episode 21 - Aired May 2, 2006

After Dr. Cox shows up for work drunk following the death of three patients, Carla gets the hospital staff to rally around and each spend time with him. As everyone does their time, J.D. puts off seeing his mentor. Meanwhile, Turk struggles to bond with his new boss.

Quote from Jordan

Keith: Did Elliot leave without telling me?
Jordan: Why is there an intern in my bathroom? It's not my birthday.
Keith: She made me watch.


Quote from Dr. Cox

Carla: I'm glad you finally shaved.
J.D.: [v.o.] That's the thing about family. If you fall off the deep end, you can always count on them to rally around you. And when you come back, you might get a quick hug a pat on the shoulder maybe just a nod but no words really need to be spoken. Of course it's always nice when they are.
Dr. Cox: J.D., thank you.
J.D.: You're welcome.
[Dr. Cox thinks twice and pats J.D. on the shoulder]

Quote from Dr. Cox

J.D.: [v.o.] Still, you should always celebrate life because you never know when it will throw you a curveball. Like with Dr. Cox. He recently made a decision any doctor would have made, and because of it, three patients died. At first, he was inconsolably sad. After that, he started acting out.
[At a restaurant with Jordan, Dr. Cox flips the table over and leaves]
Jordan: In his defense, he did ask for dressing on the side.
[Dr. Cox throws a salad at the waiter]
Dr. Cox: Daphne!

Quote from Dr. Cox

J.D.: Now I know Dr. Cox seems crazy mad at the world right now, but let's remember, three patients died. What's amazing is that he can take a hit like that, one that would knock any of the rest of us out for good, and come out still standing. That's why the man's an inspiration. I mean, he is a rock. [pager beeping]
J.D.: [v.o.] Yep, he's the best damn doctor here.
Dr. Cox: [slurred] Newbie, will you give me a little trouble? I'm having some help here.
J.D.: Oh, no.

Quote from Carla

Carla: All right, people, listen up. We are a family. And what do families do when one of their own is in trouble?
Elliot: When my brother came out of the closet my parents sent him to hetero camp.
Carla: Families that aren't from Connecticut, Elliot.
J.D.: [v.o.] Pregnancy had made Carla a little hormonal.
Carla: Now, Dr. Kelso, I asked you to keep this matter away from the Board. Were you able to do that, sir?
Dr. Kelso: Nurse Espinosa, I-
Carla: Were you?!
Dr. Kelso: Yes! I told them Dr. Cox was going to take a leave of absence due to problems at home. Should anyone ask, you beat him.
Jordan: Beat him. Got it.

Quote from Janitor

J.D.: I couldn't believe how depressed he was.
Elliot: It was so sad.
Janitor: Oh, I know. When I first heard about it, I was like, "Whoa, no way."
J.D.: You don't even know what we're talking about.
Janitor: Sure, I do, the donkey-boy up in ICU.
Carla: We're talking about Dr. Cox.
Janitor: Oh. Well, if anyone's interested, there's a donkey-boy in the ICU.

Quote from Jordan

Carla: Now, Dr. Cox needs our help getting through this. Jordan can watch him in the morning and at night, but she's also got Jack. Plus, she's not that emotionally available.
Jordan: I'm dead inside.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Carla: Anyway, we're all going to spend time with him. I've made up a schedule. I've got the first shift. Unless there are any questions, this meeting is adjourned.
[Elliot raises her hand]
All: Oh.
Turk: Gosh!
Elliot: What?
Dr. Kelso: For God's sakes, Reid, there's a donkey-boy upstairs.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Kelso: You fellas want to go to a real donkey show? It's really very tastefully done. I understand one of the women who entertains the donkey used to be on a soap.
J.D. & Turk: Pass.
Dr. Kelso: Well, standing invitation, every Thursday.
J.D.: Always pass, sir.
Dr. Kelso: Well, I'll ask Mickhead.

Quote from Turk

J.D.: Turk, you know what bothers me? Dr. Cox shows up to work drunk and we're all acting like nothing happened.
Turk: I don't know. I kinda feel for the guy. Besides, you know, I am way too excited. I start my orthopedic rotation today. It is going to be awesome.
J.D.: [v.o.] Turk was psyched because orthopedic surgeons are notoriously the most unemotional, jockish surgeons of all. Turk was finally going to have a boss he could connect with.
Dr. Stone: Hey, guys, I'm Dr. Stone. I'm your new attending. All right, fellas. Hands in.
Todd: Yeah.
Dr. Stone: Mm. Mmm.
Turk: Dr. Stone? Usually, when people put their hands in, someone says, "Go get them!" or "Whoo!"
Dr. Stone: No. No words yet. I want you all to get comfortable with the feel of your brother's hands on yours. You know, as surgeons, we're constantly opening people up and looking around. But have you ever stopped to open yourself up and look around?
Todd: Whoa.
Dr. Stone: Mmm.
Turk: [removes hand] Whoo!

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