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My Dirty Secret

‘My Dirty Secret’

Season 3, Episode 9 - Aired December 11, 2003

After an awkward experience with a patient, Elliot is forced to confront her discomfort with sexual terms. Fresh out of new ways to torment J.D., the Janitor turns his attention to Turk. Meanwhile, Dr. Cox and J.D. treat a very WASPy patient, Mr. Randolph (guest star Barry Bostwick), who has prostate cancer.

Quote from Elliot

Elliot: Oh, my God! She's got a tattoo of a teardrop on her bajingo! Is it sad?
Carla: Her vagina, Elliot. She has a tattoo on her beautiful vagina.
Turk: [gasps] This just isn't fair. Not fair at all. It's ridiculous!


Quote from Elliot

J.D.: Elliot come on, I have never heard a woman make sounds like that.
Elliot: Oh, I'm sure you haven't.
Turk: [laughs] See, it's funny because you've never really satisfied a woman!
J.D.: Well, you might want to double-check with your mom!

Quote from Dr. Cox

Jordan: Thanks again for holding the door for me back there.
Dr. Cox: In my defense, I didn't know you were behind me because I didn't hear anybody telling me what a horrible person I am.

Quote from Jordan

J.D.: How are the new happy parents?
Jordan: Oh, I'm living my dream. Have a great day today. Hurry home tonight so you can ignore your son and not do your share.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: Come, Dixie.
J.D.: So, uh, you and Jordan, huh? You wanna talk about it?
Dr. Cox: I do, but not here, because I'll probably just... Oh, I'm crying, it's too late! Here I swore I wouldn't do this. Come on, Perry, get it together. Get it together. Get it to- You stop it! You stop it! You stop it! You stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Huah! Come on, you idiot.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Mr. Randolph: Hey fellas, what's the good word?
Dr. Cox: Uh, Mr. Randolph, your PSA number's gone up quite a bit since your last blood test. Now, this could be from the prostatitis. We won't know for sure until your biopsy results come back later on this afternoon. But I feel pretty certain that we're gonna find something.
[Mr. Randolph's wife calmly bows her head]
Mr. Randolph: Oh for God's sake, Catherine, stop making a scene. [sighs] I'm sorry doctors, but she gets a little emotional.
Dr. Cox: Are you two WASPs?
Mr. Randolph: Episcopalian. Why?

Quote from Turk

Carla: I can't believe you would veto the French Riviera for our honeymoon because of the nude beaches.
Turk: Baby, the whole point of marriage is that I'm the only one who gets to see your candies and whatnot.

Quote from J.D.

Dr. Cox: The biopsy's back and I'm afraid it's positive for prostate cancer.
Mr. Randolph: Rats! Excuse my language, dear. You know what, Catherine, I can see this conversation being riddled with that kind of talk. Perhaps you should wait out in the hallway.
J.D.: Uh, you know sir, I know that it's cancer, but I'm not really worried.
Mr. Randolph: Excuse me, am I confusing cancer with some other disease?
Dr. Cox: No, you're not. I think what Captain Bedside here is trying to say is that it hasn't spread to the lymph nodes yet, so it's still quite easily operable.
J.D.: Yes, and there's an opening in surgery tonight, I managed to jam you in. Look, I know this is happening awfully fast, you must have a lot of emotions swirling around, but I want you to know if you have any questions at all, I'm here.
Mr. Randolph: Do you know what channel that Queer Guy show is on?
Dr. Cox: It's okay, tell him.
J.D.: Bravo - Tuesdays at 10, 9 central, 8 mountain.

Quote from J.D.

Dr. Cox: Oh, look at that, message from Jordan.
J.D.: How's it going?
Dr. Cox: Just great. [tosses pager]
J.D.: Dr. Cox, we've known each other for over two years. Let me in, okay? Help me help you. Help me help you. Help me-
Dr. Cox: Stop it.
J.D.: help you.

Quote from Turk

Carla: Come here. So, here's your surprise: You know we'll be getting married in six months, and I just thought it would be so hot...
Turk: Yeah?
Carla: ...if we didn't have sex again until our wedding night. Can you imagine how great that night will be?
Turk: Oh, so great! Um, how about this, though: How about you stop having sex, but I keep having sex?
Carla: You mean like an affair?
Turk: No, I'll just have sex with you when you're sleeping.
Carla: Turk, how can you not think this idea is so romantic?
Turk: Maybe you got me confused with that little Amish boy you used to date.

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