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My Cookie Pants

‘My Cookie Pants’

Season 8, Episode 6 - Aired January 27, 2009

Dr. Kelso gives Dr. Cox some advice when he's considered for the role of Chief of Medicine. J.D. tries to get Denise to empathize more with patients. Meanwhile, Elliot wants to make things special when she and J.D. finally have sex again.

Quote from J.D.

Denise: Did you know that guy was a priest?
J.D.: I did. Uh, I'll see you tomorrow. If you're not here, I'll just assume that demons dragged you down to hell to chew your face off.


Quote from J.D.

J.D.: I finished my dozen.
Elliot: Why would you eat all of your cookies at once? I mean, what did you think was gonna happen to them?
[fantasy: As J.D. and Elliot prepare to eat their first cookie, a smoke bomb is thrown through the window. They both pass out. Turk runs in wearing a gas mask.]
Turk: Come to daddy. Still pretty smoky. [removes mask, eats cookie] Worth it. [passes out]
Elliot: So he'd kill us?
J.D.: I told Turk you were making cookies. Plus he has a key to my place, and Carla's out of town. Elliot, with his diabetes, it's the only time he gets to eat sweets.

Quote from Denise

J.D.: [v.o.] Mr. Lawton, one of my favorite patients, was back. Unfortunately, Jo was his intern.
J.D.: Hi. How's it going over here?
Mr. Lawton: Well, young Dr. Mahoney was just observing that my heart disease was, uh, uh... What was that, sweetheart?
Denise: A giant buzzkill.
J.D.: Jo.
Denise: What? I was on cloud nine this morning. Had a good night's sleep, hot shower, big ol' pancake breakfast. Then bang, chronic heart disease. Buzzkill.
J.D.: Well, I-I'm sure Mr. Lawton feels horrible that his condition annoyed you.
Denise: I doubt it.
J.D.: She doubts it.

Quote from Jordan

Dr. Cox: That was just the board. They're offering me the Chief of Medicine job.
Jordan: Shut up! Do you know what this means? That when I ask our nanny how she manages to raise her own kid without a nanny, I can hire a second nanny to listen to her boring answer. Perry, look at yourself. You don't get in your own way anymore. Sweetie, I am so, so proud of you.
Dr. Cox: Thank you.
Jordan: I'm feeling so open and vulnerable that it's literally filling me up with rage and hatred, so I should go.
Dr. Cox: Fair enough.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Kelso: Dr. Reid, when did you become homeless?
Elliot: Uh, these are just my cookie pants.
Dr. Kelso: Oh, these are my muffin slacks. Bam! I've been rocking these bad boys since the day I retired.

Quote from Denise

Denise: Look, I know I'm horrible with patients, but I make one lucky call with Mr. Lawton's endoscopy, and now you're not gonna push me anymore to be better?
J.D.: Okay, you're not the mayor of Crazy Town, you're the emperor.
Denise: At least when you gave me crap, I knew you were trying to help, but now you're just giving up on me?
J.D.: What do you care? You don't even listen to me.
Denise: What? I've been busting my ass trying to be more caring with the patients. Remember when Mr.
Lawton was uncomfortable?
[flashback to Denise giving Mr. Lawton another a pillow]
J.D.: That must have been so hard for you.
Denise: Yeah, I'm still mad thinking about it.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Cox: What's with the yarn?
Dr. Kelso: I'm gonna use it later. Oh, by the way, Jordan thinks I'm hot.
Dr. Cox: Yeah, she mentioned that before. It's disturbing.
Dr. Kelso: Why aren't you taking the job, Perry?
Dr. Cox: You said it was a bureaucratic nightmare, and I don't want to be miserable.
Dr. Kelso: You love being miserable.
Dr. Cox: I don't want everyone to hate me.
Dr. Kelso: Everybody already hates you. You wanna know the real reason why you don't want the gig, champ? Because you're a fraidy-cat.
Dr. Cox: Beg your pardon?
Dr. Kelso: Didn't you hear me? Are fraidy-cat's ears too tiny?
Dr. Cox: Don't push me, Bob.
Dr. Kelso: You're right. I'm sorry. Would it make you feel any better to bat this around for a while? [Dr. Cox groans] See, I told you I was gonna use it later.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [to Denise] What makes you think you're so special? Every doctor in this place has flaws they've been dealing with since they were a little kid. Hell, the guy who taught me Is constantly getting in his own way. I'm dating a girl who's always fighting her own neurosis. And you saw my biggest flaw in action today. I was willing to let a patient I liked Go without an endoscopy Because I wanted to spare him a painful procedure.
Sometimes I care a little too much.
Denise: Yeah, but that caring thing has a major upside.
J.D.: And so does your cold bitchy thing. It'll protect you from letting all this stuff weigh you down. Remember last Monday? We spent that night watching a young father die of lung cancer. Do you remember his name?
Denise: No, um, not even a little bit.
J.D.: Jack Fremont. Sometimes I still think about him, and that is not a good thing.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Cox: So this is what fear feels like, huh? It's kinda like being really drunk, only In a very sad way. You're just loving watching me fall apart like this, huh?
Dr. Kelso: More than comfy shoes and a warm place to crap.
Dr. Cox: Yeah.
Dr. Kelso: But you're gonna take this job. Partly because you were meant to do it, but mostly because if you don't, I will always remind you that you are a sac-less little fraidy-cat.
Dr. Cox: Why in the hell did you try to talk me out of it?
Dr. Kelso: I had to tell you the truth to prepare you. If I'd fluffed it up, you would have tortured me forever.
Dr. Cox: So you really think I'm the man for the job?
Dr. Kelso: Who the hell do you think recommended you?
Dr. Cox: Thank you.
Dr. Kelso: You're welcome.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Cox: Bottom line, if we don't get a new boss in this place soon, it'll fall apart.
Dr. Kelso: I'd pretend to care, but I don't have to. Here's my office.
Dr. Cox: Okay, fine. You go ahead and have fun spending your golden years at a depressing coffee chain surrounded by-
Dr. Kelso: I don't mean to cut you off, Perry, but I have to take this call. [makes phone hand gesture]
Dr. Cox: Look at that. He brought it back.

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