Moira Rose Quotes     Page 55 of 63    

Quote from Maid of Honour

Moira: [on trailer] What have we done?!
Moira: Good. Good. And the egg-laying feels grounded.


Quote from Maid of Honour

Jocelyn: Hi Moira, I don't wanna interrupt you, I can see you're busy watching the trailer again. I just wanted to apologize for earlier.
Moira: No need to self-flagellate, Jocelyn. Even if yours is the lone dissenting voice in the canticle.

Quote from Maid of Honour

Jocelyn: Sorry, Moira, I think my reason for not wanting to jump on the bandwagon is just that I've seen you get your hopes up before, only to be disappointed when things didn't work out.
Moira: I don't require coddling.
Jocelyn: I know. Now that I realize that my opinion means something to you, there is a lot that I liked about the trailer...
Moira: Do go on.
Jocelyn: [clears throat] "From the first ominous syllable of the narrator's tale, one can feel the hair on one's arms standing at afrightened attention. Yes, there will be blood. And, yes, you will be horror-struck. But, more than that, you will be lured, against every instinct for self-preservation, to look inside, and face your very own futile resistance to transfiguration."
Moira: Who wrote that?
Jocelyn: I did.
Moira: You? You did. Oh, wow... Jocelyn, thank you. Nothing about me or my performance?
Jocelyn: Oh. It's just a first draft.
Moira: Yes. Okay.
Jocelyn: I really liked your feathers!
Moira: Mm-hmm.
Jocelyn: They're very life-like.
Moira: Surprise. They are real. 1200 of them hand-sewn into my costume. The live crows on set welcomed me as their own. One even tried to mate.

Quote from The Premiere

Alexis: No, I have like big plans for an immersive experience. Ronnie said that she can find a red carpet, and Roland has a guy who rents out live crows.
Moira: I think we should take the lead from Interflix. I cannot stop the masses from gathering to view the film, but best... best to avoid any fulsome in-decorum until we're assured a positive reaction.
David: Remember that "Waterworld II" premiere?
Moira: Exactly, David. Oh, the last place anyone wanted to be when those reviews came in was a glass-bottomed pirate ship in the middle of the ocean.

Quote from The Premiere

Alexis: Um, is that your gown? What is that for?
Moira: Oh, I thought I might throw it on for tonight.
Alexis: So you're going to the screening?
Moira: Yes. A simple "Thank you, Mother" might be a nice place to start.
Alexis: Also, I thought you returned that?
Moira: I did! Oh, I know I returned a dress. A glittering, backless thing. Stella McCartney, I think.
Alexis: That was mine. I've been looking for that.
Moira: Blame UPS.
Alexis: Ugh!

Quote from The Premiere

Johnny: Well, break a leg, sweetheart. I'll be right here... 10 feet behind you.
Moira: No, John, tonight is special, and I'd like my hand-candy by my side.

Quote from The Premiere

Alexis: So the crows are ready. You just say a few words, and then give Carmine the signal.
Moira: Alexis, Mommy's home now. I'll take it from here. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to a North American screening of... the psychological thriller...
Alexis: Move it along.
Moira: "The Crows Have Eyes III: The Crowening!" [crowd applauds] Let the crowening commence!

Quote from The Wingman

Moira: Yes, everything you saw was part of a carefully orchestrated, entirely deliberate stunt.
Barb: Oh, well, it seems to have worked, Moira. With over more than 2 million views in less than 24 hours, this video has created an incredible buzz for the movie, which, as of right now, is officially trending on Interflix.
Moira: It is?! [laughs excitedly] Well, if you're saying it's a smash hit, then I'm just going to have to take your word for it. As well as the word of millions of streamers across the internet, I suppose. You know, the brilliant thing about being on streaming is that one can start the movie at any point, any time they like.

Quote from The Wingman

Lizzie: You know, Moira, I think it's safe to say you are officially back in the game!
Barb: Yes!
Moira: Well, you heard it here first! Do not adjust your sets! Excuse me, but I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge my daughter, Alexis Rose. This whole PR coup d'état never would've happened without her.
Alexis: [muted] Honestly, we just had fun with it.
Moira: Can't hear you. [chuckles] Poor dear's not mic'd.
Lizzie: Well, looks like there's no stopping you two now! Congratulations!
Both: Thank you!

Quote from The Wingman

Moira: Hi, Theodore! Gorgeous view!
Ted: [on Skype] Hi, Mrs. Rose! Congrats on the movie! That last scene where you leap from your nest only to discover that your wings aren't developed enough yet...
Moira: Oh, you're too kind. The Daily Mail called it a "flap for the ages!"

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