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Moving Up (Part 1)

‘Moving Up (Part 1)’

Season 6, Episode 21 - Aired April 24, 2014

While attending a conference in San Francisco, Leslie makes a big decision about her future. While out West, Ben and Andy try to woo a tech company to invest in Pawnee. Back in Pawnee, Tom needs his friends' help when he brings forward the opening night of his restaurant.

Quote from Andy

Andy: We got to find a way to break in there.
Ben: They give tours.
Andy: [laughs] Yeah. That's exactly how they'll be expecting me to try to break in.


Quote from Tom

Mitch Savner: Looks like everything's on track for July. It's just too bad we're not opening in time for this Unity concert. The extra publicity would've given us a nice boost.
Tom: Why don't we? We could do a soft opening tomorrow and be ready just in time for the concert crowd.
Mitch Savner: You really think you can pull that off?
Tom: Well, nobody can predict the future... except me. I guarantee it'll work and in six months, this place will be bigger than McDonald's.
Mitch Savner: As always, I love your enthusiasm. See you tomorrow, partner.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: [scoffs] "Lester Kanopf"? Come on, guys, get it together.
Lester Kanopf: That's mine.
Leslie Knope: Sorry, Lester.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Grant, hi.
Grant Larsen: Yeah, I saw you were gonna be here, and since you've been ducking my calls, I just thought that I'd drop in. Care to join me for lunch?
Leslie Knope: I... I would...
Grant Larsen: Liam Bonneville's gonna be there.
Leslie Knope: Liam Bonneville, the Department of the Interior's resident bad boy? Well, now you've got my attention. Let me go grab my autograph book, and we'll head out.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Tom: Dwayne "the Rock" Swanson. Donna told me I'd find you up here. What's all this?
Ron Swanson: Over the last few months, I've remodeled the entire third floor. Wiring, heating and cooling, restored this red pine back to its original glory.
Tom: Oh, wow. The stripes are so wavy. It's really... All right, I can't keep this facade up any longer. I need a favor. You know those chairs you were making for my restaurant? I need 'em now.
Ron Swanson: I was told I had until July. My chairs take time. Who do you think I am, Thomas Hucker? [laughs]
Tom: Please, Ron? I've never asked you for anything today.
Ron Swanson: All right. I'll get to work right away.
Tom: Please, you're really far behind.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Grant Larsen: Hello, everybody. This is Leslie Knope. Leslie, this is Rebecca...
Leslie Knope: Varuvian, yes, hello. I ow who you are. I've read all of your papers and I had your poster on my wall when I was a kid.
Rebecca Varuvian: What poster?
Leslie Knope: I made a poster of you by blowing up your picture from the national parks newsletter. I cut out your face and made it look like you were dunking over Charles Barkley.
Rebecca Varuvian: My God.
Liam Bonneville: So you're the author of the famous river cleanup proposal, huh? It wasn't bad.
Leslie Knope: [laughs] Liam Bonneville read my proposal. Wow.
Rebecca Varuvian: Liam's being withholding, as usual. That proposal was brilliantly written.
Leslie Knope: [sighs] Rebecca Varuvian.
Rebecca Varuvian: Yes?
Leslie Knope: Nothing.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: That was the best lunch I ever had. I have to see the photos that you took.
Grant Larsen: I didn't take any photos.
Leslie Knope: What? Grant, come on.
Grant Larsen: Leslie, you're treating those people like they're your heroes. They could be your peers. Look, I really hope you take the job, but we're at the end of the line here. I need a decision by tomorrow.
Leslie Knope: Okay, that's fair. I mean, I would be insane not to take the job, but I'm just having some trouble thinking about leaving Pawnee.

Quote from Andy

Ben: Okay, this is a bad idea.
Andy: Just trust me. You got your camera ready?
Leslie Knope: Yeah, Andy, I'm very nervous about this. You're gonna hurt yourself.
Andy: And here we go. [pushes skateboard down the hill] Wow! Look at it go! I mean, I knew it'd go down, but not that fast! Oh-ho! San Francisco's the best. [runs after it]

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Anyway, I've decided. I'm gonna take the job. There's so much more in the world to see, and I feel like I can really make a difference. Oh, and I met Michelle Obama.
Ben: What? Why didn't you lead with that?
Leslie Knope: I don't know! Liam Boneville has me in a tizzy.

Quote from April

Tom: I haven't had time to hire a staff yet, so, April, you'll handle service.
April: No! Can't I just stay in the back and spit in people's food like we planned?

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