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Season 3, Episode 6 - Aired February 24, 2011

As Leslie and Ron take a trip to Indianapolis for an award presentation, Leslie checks in with Chris to see whether he's cheating on Ann. A reluctant Ben finally socializes with his colleagues when he joins Tom at the Snakehole Lounge. Meanwhile, Andy feels bad that he doesn't have more money to spend on April.

Quote from Ben

Tom: Watch the master work it. I'm the Yoda of networking.
Ben: Well, Yoda wouldn't actually need networking. I mean, his powers were more spiritual.
Tom: Shut up, you nerd!
Ben: I get it. Okay.


Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Look, we'll find a 24-hour diner. Or we can get one of those cows that we saw on the way up here and we'll bring it back and we'll make steaks out of that.

Quote from Andy

April: Did you keep the toilet paper?
Andy: Yes. I feel bad, but I need it.
April: Ew.

Quote from Ben

Ben: Hey, hey, that's gotta be Feinstein's car. Give me... Give me the Tommy Fresh.
Tom: Why?
Ben: Give me Tommy Fresh.
[Ben takes the perfume bottle and sprays it through the open window in the car]
Ben: He's gonna smell your dreams now. [high fives; retches]
Leslie Knope: Are you okay? Is it that bad?
Ben: Oh, my God. It's unbelievable.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Tom: Club opens at 6:00, event starts at 9:00.
Jerry: No, no, way too late. I will be deep into my bath by then. [all groan]
Leslie Knope: Don't let us picture that.

Quote from Tom

Leslie Knope: Okay, Tom, I want you to take Ben and make him go to that antihistamine party.
Tom: It's "Allergic," and forget it.
Leslie Knope: He doesn't know anybody in town. Come on, Tom, take him under your tiny little wing.
Tom: He's a fully grown man, Leslie. And tonight's just not about pleasure. I'm schmoozing Dennis Feinstein so I can pitch him my new cologne, Tommy Fresh.

Quote from April

April: [aside to camera] I don't know. I guess we're dating. It's new. Whatever! I don't like labels. Go away.

Quote from Ann

Leslie Knope: This?
Ann: That would be good.
Leslie Knope: But does it say, "Hello, general assembly, "I've come to Indianapolis to accept your commendation?"
Ann: As much as any one dress could.

Quote from Tom

Tom: Hey, champ.
Ben: Hey, champ...ion.
Tom: Listen, you should come out tonight. Club's gonna be dope. Plus, I'm pretty sure you have nothing else going on.
Ben: Well, that's not totally true. The owner of the motel I'm staying at said she was gonna screen Hope Floats in the lobby. Asked me if I wanted to watch.
Tom: Yeah. You should probably get out of that. I think she's gonna murder you.

Quote from Ben

Tom: Hey, you mind if I ask? What are you gonna wear tonight?
Ben: You know, I was probably just gonna stick with this.
Tom: [laughing] Come on, seriously. What are you gonna wear?
Ben: Something totally different. Probably go home and grab something.
Tom: Cool. [exits]
[Ben looks down at his outfit and then shares a puzzled look to camera]

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