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Season 3, Episode 8 -  Aired March 24, 2011

Leslie wants to follow up the Harvest Festival with another great idea, so she takes her colleagues away on a camping trip to brainstorm ideas.

Quote from Andy

Andy: Hey, you gotta hear this hilarious story that he's telling me. Tell her what happened.
Kyle: My identity was stolen.
Andy: His identity was stolen! [laughing] Tell her about the accounts.
Kyle: They were frozen.
Andy: [laughing] Frozen.
April: Bye, Kyle.


Quote from Ann

Chris: Anne Perkins!
Ann: Chris. Hey. I heard you were back.
Chris: Yeah.
Ann: I didn't do this because of you.
Chris: Uh, well, it looks great. Yeah, you look great. Am I right? It's... So good running into you. You know, we should get together soon. I'd love to catch up.
Ann: Me too! Ketchup and mustard. Ketchup and mustard, I just was...
Chris: Oh! [laughing] That is so delightful. I relish your wit. [chuckling]
Ann: Well, I salsa... your face.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Ann: I should hate him. He broke up with me.
Leslie Knope: Well, there was an ex that I still liked after he broke up with me, but it was really hard to stay mad at him. He was an amazing dentist.

Quote from Andy

Andy: [aside to camera] It's really important to me that April loves camping, so I went ahead and set up the ultimate campsite love nest. Complete with beautiful starlight. You got champagne. Also, rose petals. As you can see, they smell terrific.

Quote from Jerry

Tom: What do Jay-Z, Lil Wayne, and Drake all have in common?
Jerry: Oh, I know this one. They are all rap-pists.
Tom: Oh, my God, they're Rappers, Jerry!

Quote from Tom

Tom: What they have in common is none of them have ever performed in Pawnee. Why? Because we don't have an adequate concert venue. Until now. The Pawnee Amphitheater!
Ann: How much would that cost?
Tom: Not that much. $200, $300 million.
Ann: Right.
Leslie Knope: Great.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: I'm so screwed, Ann. The meeting is tomorrow and I don't have anything.
Ann: Why not just build the park on the lot behind my house?
Leslie Knope: Chris wants the new project to generate revenue.
Ann: What about those binders in your office?
Leslie Knope: They're filled with small ideas! We need a big, juicy idea. I'm so desperate, I even brought in my "Dream Journal", hoping it would inspire me.
Ann: "I married Alf, and we're pretty happy." Sounds nice.
Leslie Knope: It was.

Quote from Ben

Leslie Knope: Ben, this new project idea, it's not really a big deal. I'm probably making too much out of it.
Ben: No, no, no. It's really big. I mean, you've got everyone's attention with the Harvest Festival, and now you're gonna seal the deal. It's the chance you've been waiting for.
Leslie Knope: Well, what if the festival was, like, a high point for me, and I never do anything better than that?
Ben: Then you wouldn't be Leslie Knope.
Leslie Knope: So I have to keep thinking about good ideas all the time, or I'm no longer myself?
Ben: No, no, no. Not at all. I... I've just honestly never met someone who works as hard as you do. I mean, you're like the energizer bunny of city government.

Quote from Chris

Chris: Hey, guys.
Ben: What are you doing here?
Chris: I was just out for my nighttime run, and I thought, "why not go visit the Parks Department?" How's everything going here?
Leslie Knope: Super great. Really well. We have a great idea.
Chris: Ooh, tell me now! While I sit on this boulder. I'm much more receptive to new ideas when my heart rate is still elevated.

Quote from Tom

Ben: Oh, good lord.
Tom: I call the bed!
Ben: Awesome.
Tom: I hate this place. This place is the exact opposite of Skymall.
Ben: Oh, listen to this. "Dear Quiet Corn, thank you for your beautiful Inn. My wife and I spent three nights of ecstasy in this room."
Both: Ugh!

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