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Bowling for Votes

‘Bowling for Votes’

Season 4, Episode 13 - Aired January 26, 2012

Leslie can't get past one man's negative feedback in a focus group, so her campaign hosts a bowling night to show she's approachable. Meanwhile, April, Andy, Chris, Jerry and Donna hit the phones to fundraise for Leslie's campaign, and Ron is outraged by Tom's bowling style.

Quote from Chris

Chris: [on the phone] Hello, I'm calling on behalf of Leslie Knope, who is running for city council. Is this Deirdre Splatterfork? That is literally the most beautiful name I have ever heard.


Quote from Donna

Donna: [on the phone] Absolutely nothing. [chuckles] What are you wearing?

Quote from April

April: [on the phone] Fine, if you don't wanna donate, then don't. Oh, by the way... [creepy voice] I'm calling from inside your house.

Quote from Tom

Tom: Type in "T Rex" for me. No, no, no. Um, "T-boz." Wait, wait. "Tommy Tsunami." No, "Ticky Ticky Tom-Tom." No, "Fly Guy."
Ron Swanson: I wrote "Tom."
Tom: Classic. Timeless. I love it.

Quote from Tom

Tom: Come on, big girl. Let's knock these little pins down.
[Tom runs up to the lane, suddenly halts and stands squat in front of the line. He starts cradling the ball in both hands]
Ann: Oh, my God, are you serious?
Ron Swanson: Son, people can see you.
[Tom gently releases the ball, which slowly rolls down the lane before knocking all the pins down]
Tom: Boom! [Ann claps] That right there... Tommy's strike.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Ben: Leslie, what happened to the big picture?
Leslie Knope: I'm thinking about the big picture. I'm trying to make the picture bigger by including this guy in it. I can't do anything about my gender or my height, but I can win that guy over with a fun round of bowling.
Ben: We need everyone here to see a different side of Leslie Knope, not one specific person. Some people just aren't gonna like you. Let it go. Okay, I hear you.
Leslie Knope: I'll treat him just like everybody else.
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: I'll just say hi to him, shake his hand, buy a him a few beers, share a few laughs, bowl a few frames, lose intentionally to make him feel good, friend him on Facebook. And by the end of the night, he will be mine.

Quote from Chris

Chris: I am taking a probiotic tea break. And while that is happening, I thought I might share some big news. I am going to ask Millicent Gergich to move in with me. D-I... I mean, if that's okay with you of course, Jerry.
Jerry: Uh, yeah. [chuckles] Of course. Sure.
Andy: That's awesome, man. Hey, do you guys wanna live here with us and Ben and champion, the three-legged dog?
Chris: That is an amazing offer.
Andy: Yes!
Chris: But I think we're probably gonna get our own place. I'm already working with a Real Estate agent to find an octagonal house. I've done some reading, and an octagon is the optimal shape for a home in terms of energy flow.

Quote from Andy

Andy: [whistling] What, Champion? You need to go outside now? Come on. That a boy. Sorry, he's... hates awkward situations.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Police Officer: The guy said he might press charges.
Leslie Knope: Yeah, well, Randy, I would like you to know that we will not be pressing charges.
Police Officer: Yeah, that really wasn't an option.
Leslie Knope: Come on, the guy was being a total jerk. What Ben did was warranted and extremely awesome, by the way. Did you write down how awesome it was?
Police Officer: When we write official reports, we refrain from using words like "jerk" or "awesome."

Quote from Leslie Knope

Ben: Okay, one more time. Let me resign. It's the only thing that truly protects you.
Leslie Knope: Non-starter.
Ben: [sighs] Okay. Now when you take questions, I think you should be brief and sincere. Don't try to justify what I did. Just apologize again, and stay on script. Are you sure that you don't need more whipped cream?
Leslie Knope: Not today. I don't deserve it. I got us into this mess because I was fixating on that guy. But this is ridiculous. I do need more whipped cream. Ma'am.

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