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The Landlord

‘The Landlord’

Season 1, Episode 12 - Aired February 7, 2012

Jess tries to convince Nick that people can be good, including their cantankerous landlord (guest star Jeff Krober). Meanwhile, Schmidt isn't sure whether his boss is hitting on him.

Quote from Jess

Remy: To be honest, I was expecting a lot worse, so just... Four people is fine. Just paint over the sex wall, and don't bother me any more.
Jess: Hey, sir, wait.
Nick: Jess, let.. let him go.
Jess: I just want to apologize on behalf of all of us for lying to you about how many people live here.
Schmidt: Stop reminding him.
Jess: But while you're up here, might as well just fix a few things. Please... Remy?
Remy: How did you know my name? They call you?
Jess: I saw your tattoo that says, "Hello, My Name is Remy," and I just... I took a leap of faith. Look, I know you're a good guy...
Remy: Okay, what do you... what do you want fixed?
Nick: Why don't you close your eyes and point at something?
Remy: Her. Not you.


Quote from Schmidt

Kim: Schmidt?
Schmidt: Yeah.
Kim: I need you to clean up my hard drive.
Schmidt: Okay, do you want me to reformat first?
Kim: I said, I need you... to clean up... my hard drive.

Quote from Jess

Remy: I should have seen a divorce coming. You know, we stopped doing the little things, like talking. One day, we were humping. Then everything changed. We weren't humping.
Jess: That must have been really hard.
Remy: You know, it was what it was.
Jess: Come on, Remy.
Remy: It was hard.
Jess: It was hard.

Quote from Jess

Jess: [to Nick] Why can't you admit you were wrong? I was nice, and now he's fixing our apartment.
Remy: [in a vest] I'm working up an appetite in there. Boy, I hope you don't mind the smell of a real man in your room. Let me know when you want to get started on that bed.
Jess: Okay. [to Nick] He's turning my mattress.

Quote from Jess

Jess: The funniest thing just happened. I was watching Remy fix the sink, and I got totally soaked.
Remy: You were so wet!
Jess: Man overboard! So I invited Remy over for dinner to thank him for all the stuff he's been doing around the apartment. Who's in?
Schmidt: I gotta... I...
Cece: I got a boat, so...
Remy: So, I guess it'll just be me and Jess.
Nick: Oh, no, Remy. I changed my mind; I'll be there. Just watching you.

Quote from Nick

Jess: Remy brought a bottle of... this?
Remy: I ferment things in the basement. I also make cheese.
Nick: Hm, you're not drinking that, Jess.
Jess: Yes, I am, Remy made it. [drinks, immediately spits out] Ahhh.
Remy: Think you can handle some, Nick?
Nick: Oh, I'm okay. Somebody needs to stay sober to fight you later.

Quote from Nick

Jess: Nick, be nice. How hard could it be to just open yourself up a little bit? Dip your toe in the pool of possibilities.
Remy: Yeah, Nick. Dip your toe.
Jess: You guys have a lot in common. Nick went through a break-up last year that was really hard on him. Schmidt said your mom had to fly out.
Nick: That was a scheduled trip.
Remy: Did you smell your girl on your sheets for months until they were too soaked through with your own sweat and tears?
Nick: No.
Remy: Did you punch out all the windows until you hit the wall and broke your hand? Did you go out, looking for companionship, a little human warmth, only to come to in the woods covered in animal blood?
Nick: In my own way.
Remy: Come here, man. [they hug] It's gonna be okay.

Quote from Nick

Nick: You see the way he's buttering me up so he can move in on you?
Jess: Why can't you just admit that you were wrong?
Nick: How have you lived this long on your own?
Jess: There is no part of that man that wants to sleep with me.
Nick: He's been creeping on you all night.
Jess: No, he hasn't been.
Nick: Open your eyes, like, I'm worried...
Jess: No!
Nick: Oh...
Jess: Hey, Remy, what happened to your pants?
Remy: I've never done a threesome. That's what we're doing here, right?
Nick: This I did not expect.

Quote from Nick

Nick: I love watching you be wrong, Jess.
Jess: I might've been a little bit off about Remy, but people are generally good, and I'm not wrong about that.
Nick: Jess, people are jerks.
Jess: He is hurting from his divorce...
Nick: Are you still making excuses for this guy? Well, look, if you feel so bad, then just get in there. Just dip your toe into the pool of possibility. [opens door] Hey, Remy, let's get weird and toss that ball around, huh? [Jess closes the door] So turned on.
Jess: Okay, you would seriously have a threesome with that man just to get me to admit that I'm wrong?
Nick: Oh, I think we could do a lot worse than Remy. He's got strong arms.
Jess: [opens door] Let's have a threesome.

Quote from Nick

Remy: All right, so, a menage a trois is about three of us... trois...
Jess: Sure.
Remy: Menage-ing fully.
Jess: Oui.
Nick: Okay. This is happening with this guy. This is happening right now, Jess.
Jess: Yeah.
Remy: So, it's gonna get even a little more uncomfortable. We just have to keep talking with each other, all right? Around and communicating. Let's get some relaxing music going.
Nick: Great idea, great idea. Thank you.
Jess: Why can't you just admit that he's a good guy?
Nick: We are about to have a menage a trois 'cause you won't admit you're wrong. You're out of your mind.

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