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Raisin's Back

‘Raisin's Back’

Season 6, Episode 11 - Aired January 3, 2017

Nick is determined not to make a big deal of things when Reagan moves back into the loft. Meanwhile, Winston and Cece make their own EDM track to show Schmidt he has terrible taste in music.

Quote from Jess

Reagan: [sits up] You're such a lightweight. I feel fine.
Jess: Hell of a ladies' night, though.
Reagan: A lot of secrets came out last night, didn't they?
Jess: [sits up] Secrets?


Quote from Cece

Jess: Cece! [exhales] I think I really screwed up ladies' night. I know I reek. [Cece coughs] Please, please, don't gag because then I will gag.
Cece: Okay, okay, it's really hard though, man.
Jess: I think something terrible happened. Reagan said, "A lot of secrets came out last night."
Cece: Uh-oh, you think she knows about Nick?
Jess: I mean, I only have one secret, so... it's got to be the Nick thing.
Cece: It's the Nick thing.
Jess: This is bad. Really bad.
Cece: Yeah, it's not good.
Jess: Ah, how could I let this happen?
Cece: [retching]
Jess: [gagging]
Cece: I'm sorry, I was holding my breath the whole time. [retching]
Jess: [gagging]
Cece: [blowing]
Jess: [coughing]
Cece: [retching]
Jess: [gagging]

Quote from Jess

Jess: Oh, my God. [groans]
Cece: You need to calm down. All right, just take a breath. Think of Michelle Obama.
Jess: [sighing] She's so strong.
Cece: See, it's working already.

Quote from Reagan

Jess: I hate the way that tastes.
Reagan: Idea.
Jess: What?
Reagan: Let's go to the pool.
Jess: Is "pool" cocaine? I mean, is "the pool," like, a drug thing? 'Cause I don't "swim." Like, I-I don't judge people who do "swim," but I don't.
Reagan: No, it's a real pool. An actual pool at my apartment, my other apartment. [gasps] [whispers] I have another apartment.
Jess: No, no...
Reagan: It's a secret. Don't tell Nick, don't tell Nick.
Jess: No.
Reagan: Shh.
Jess: Oh, no.
Reagan: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh...
Jess: Okay, well, it's time to do future Jess a solid and black the hell out.

Quote from Nick

Nick: I can't believe my girlfriend has a secret apartment!
Jess: I'm sure there's some explanation.
Nick: I can think of one of two things. One, she's worried she's making a mistake by living with me. Or two, and this one is way more realistic, she has a secret family.
Jess: Only men have secret families.
Jess: Look, just go talk to Reagan.
Nick: I can't just run into the bathroom shouting, "You have a secret apartment," Jess. She'll bolt... to her secret apartment!

Quote from Jess

Jess: Hey... Ray Ray. Boo Boo?
Reagan: Is this about the apartment?
Jess: Damn.
Reagan: Jess, I know I put you in a weird spot by telling you about it.
Jess: Whatever the explanation, it's okay. I don't need to know anything except, like, when did you get it, is it, like, a real, genuine place, or is it, like, a playing it cool thing, like Nick's fake bar shift?
Reagan: What?
Jess: What?
Reagan: You said "fake bar shift," so does that mean that he didn't have to go to work, and that he lied to me?
Jess: Oh my God, you know who should talk to about this, because he could answer all your questions, is Nick.

Quote from Jess

Nick: I had no idea you were having a conversation [chuckling] with Reagan right now.
Reagan: We are in the middle of a conversation that we need to finish, so maybe we'll do that over drinks.
Jess: Did you have other plans? Maybe you wanted to have a conversation with somebody.
Nick: Well, I'd love to finish our conversation, Jess, so maybe you and I should get a drink.
Jess: You know what? After last night, the only drink I can handle is... room temperature milk.
Nick: You guys got crazy?
Reagan: Don't worry about it.

Quote from Nick

Nick: I would love to finish our conversation. We started ours first, so we should finish ours earlier. It's basic time science.
Reagan: It's time science?
Nick: Yeah, it's time science.
Reagan: You told me that you don't believe in watches or clocks, so I don't really think this is a very valid argument.
Nick: No, I said I believe in watches, I just don't trust who sets them. Who sets the time?
Reagan: You set the time.
Nick: Why would I set the time? It's my watch.

Quote from Jess

Jess: Okay, see? Talking is fun. Why don't you guys continue this conversation... at the bar... by yourselves, without me?
[cut to Jess with Nick and Reagan at a cafe:]
Jess: I'll have a milk.

Quote from Schmidt

Winston: So in front of you, you have two songs, one by a recognized EDM "artist," quotes intended, the other is by me.
Cece: I also helped.
Winston: [mocking] Yeah, okay.
Cece: I did!
Schmidt: Lay it on me.
Winston: Here we go. [Nick grunting rhythmically]
Schmidt: Stop.
Winston: What?
Cece: What?
Winston: You're barely seconds in.
Schmidt: Throbbing bass, the lone whistle, the gritty caw of gears grinding. This is clearly the work of Tim Bergling, better known as... Swedish EDM demigod... Avicii.
Winston: Avicii...
Schmidt: As you were.

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