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Jess and Julia

‘Jess and Julia’

Season 1, Episode 11 - Aired January 31, 2012

Nick panics when Julia doesn't want to put a label on their relationship. Meanwhile, Jess is upset to learn Julia doesn't like her, Winston realizes he has no game, and Schmidt can't figure out why his towel is always wet.

Quote from Winston

Winston: Yeah, over in Latvia they had this fermented milk stuff that they drink. Whole country runs on the stuff. Called [bleats]. [bleats] was definitely one of my biggest endorsements. I mean, I have a lot of endorsements, but that was probably my biggest endorsement amongst other endorsements that I had.
Shelby: Wow.


Quote from Jess

Julia: There are, like, lots of girls coming in and out of this place?
Jess: Schmidt's like Ellis Island in the 1800s. He accepts everyone.
Julia: Yeah, and... Winston and Nick...
Jess: I probably shouldn't...
Julia: Oh, yeah. Well, you don't have to...
Jess: Plead the Fifth!
Julia: No, that's not what...
Jess: Objection!

Quote from Schmidt

Jess: I just had an idea. Why don't we hang our towels on towel bars instead of hooks, and that'll make them dryer?
Schmidt: That is the... that is... that is a great idea. Quick question for you. As a lesbian gynecologist, perhaps, one of these days, the two of us could sit down and talk about OSI.
Sadie: What is OSI?
Schmidt: Our shared interest.
Jess: Schmidt, clothe yourself!
Schmidt: All right, all right. It was just a suggestion.

Quote from Nick

Julia: Boyfriend.That's so lame. You're totally going to... carry my books home from school.
Nick: I will if you wear my leatherman jacket.
Julia: It's "letterman" jacket.
Nick: No, I'm pretty sure it's a leatherman jacket.
Julia: You letter...
Nick: The leather sleeves that the football guys wear?

Quote from Schmidt

Jess: She told him she didn't want to label it.
Sadie: Oh. I mean, that's a classic move, even in the lesbian community.
Schmidt: What are we talking about?
Sadie: Did you just hear the phrase "lesbian community" and come running out of your room?
Schmidt: I did. Uh... question, for you. This community you speak of, do the ladies look, uh... more like this one or, you know... kind of Nickish?
Nick: Aw, shut up, Schmidt.
Sadie: I did date a woman who looked a lot like Nick.
Jess: You did. Felicia.

Quote from Schmidt

Jess: It didn't go well with Shelby?
Winston: I gotta say, I thought it would be easy. You know? Maybe... Maybe I don't have game. Maybe I never had game. Maybe it's always been about basketball.
Nick: Yeah, you don't have any game. It's always been because you play basketball. Are you seriously just realizing that you don't have game?
Winston: What is your secret, man? How do normal guys get girls?
Schmidt: Let's not say "normal." Just, you know, say what it is ... "average."

Quote from Jess

Jess: Well, there's actually more there than meets the eye. Um, there was a bird ... he's not in the shot ... but he was injured, and he couldn't get out of the road, and so I braked, and then I had to accelerate out of the intersection.
Julia: You missed your first court date on this.
Jess: My ex-boyfriend failed to send it to me before the court date, because he doesn't believe in mail, which has to do with his thoughts on government spending.
Julia: Now it's an $800 fine.
Jess: That's why I need, like, a really awesome lawyer, like you. So... can you help me?
Julia: I mean, I can try. You never know. A judge might buy into this whole thing, so...
Jess: What "whole thing"?
Julia: Your whole thing. With the cupcakes, and the braking for birds, and... bluebirds come and help me dress in the morning.
Jess: Oh, I didn't know I was doing a thing.
Julia: It's a great thing. I mean, the big, beautiful eyes, like a scared baby. I'm sure that gets you out of all kinds of stuff.
Jess: Yeah. Yeah, except my peripheral vision's, like, almost too good.

Quote from Jess

Cece: She said you have "a whole thing"?
Sadie: I'm sorry, she doesn't like desserts?
Cece: Where is she right now?
Sadie: Look, I think I know what she meant. I mean, you do like girly stuff. I mean, it kind of freaked me out at first. When I met you, you were wearing a hat made of ribbons.
Jess: My ribbon hat. I love that hat.
Cece: Screw her. And I'm gonna wear that ribbon hat. Go get it, right now.

Quote from Jess

Nick: Okay, what did Julia do wrong?
Jess: It's just how girls fight sometimes. There's a lot unsaid. Like one time, a girl said to me, "Jess, you rock a lot of polka dots."
Sadie: Ooh. How did she say it?
Jess: [Valley girl voice] "Jess, you rock a lot of polka dots."
Cece: That is diabolical.
Sadie: I'm really sorry.
Jess: And it ruined our friendship. I mean, I couldn't get over the polka dot incident.

Quote from Nick

Nick: You're dating other people?
Julia: Yeah, yeah.
Nick: No. No, I'm seeing other people, too.
Julia: Good. Good.
Nick: I'm having sex all the time. I'm like a mailman. Except instead of mail, it's hot sex that I deliver.
Julia: I've had to start carrying, like, athletic shoes in my purse, 'cause I have to sprint from one sexual encounter to another. Can't wear heels.
Nick: Well, I'm having sex right now. Under the bar. And she's on top. So figure that out. [moans]

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