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Season 3, Episode 15 - Aired February 4, 2014

After an awkward encounter with Caroline, Jess tries to convince Nick you can be friends with your ex. Meanwhile, Schmidt invites Winston and Coach to tour his new apartment.

Quote from Nick

Jess: So how'd it go?
Nick: We gabbed like a couple of washer women over the back fence.
Jess: That's great. So proud of you.
Caroline: You two are dating? I knew it. I knew it was her!
Jess: What? You didn't tell her we were together?!
Nick: I told her we were together. I'm not getting away with this. I didn't tell her.
Caroline: Screw you, Miller!


Quote from Jess

Nick: Can I see?
Jess: Yeah.
Nick: "Hey, babe". Don't call him "babe."
Jess: It's just what we call each other.
Nick: "BF problems"?
Jess: My boyfriend is having problems.
Nick: XOXO?
Jess: It's a really common greeting.
Nick: "Kissing you, hugging you, kissing you, hugging you"?
Jess: What else am I gonna write? "O-O-O"? That just looks like "Oh".

Quote from Nick

Nick: Oh, this is terrible! She's quoting scriptures, but using tons of cuss words. This is as bad as it gets with Caroline.
Jess: Okay. Berkley's around the corner at his baby's world music class.
Nick: Okay, you know what? I'm in.
Jess: Great.
Nick: What kind of beer does Berkley like?
Jess: He doesn't.
Nick: Oh, great. I cannot wait to meet him.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: I even made you guys keys.
Winston: What?
Schmidt: Check these out. That one's yours.
Winston: Aw, it looks like a guitar.
Schmidt: Yeah, that's 'cause you're rocking.
Coach: Mine's a It's a rainbow kissing a star.
Schmidt: You like it?
Coach: Blah! Yeah.

Quote from Jess

Jess: So, did the store have that, uh, bamboo highchair you were looking for?
Berkley: No, not the one I wanted. So I think I'm just gonna...
Both: Order it online.
Berkley: You still got it.
Nick: Big deal, I've been online, too. I still got it.
Berkley: It's different.

Quote from Jess

Jess: So, this is the problem. Nick didn't tell his ex that we were together, and she found out, and now she's really, really upset.
Nick: This is the scariest one yet. It's just a bunch of smiley faces.
Berkley: Okay, um, not to be all guy with a baby, but, uh, exes are really a lot like newborns, okay? The burps can be so yucky, but you know what comes after a burp?
Jess: What?
Berkley: A big old smile.
Jess: Aw.
Nick: What the hell are you talking about?
Jess: It was a metaphor, Nick.

Quote from Jess

Berkley: Okay, here's the deal. I've been wanting to end things with Claire for years now. And I'm gonna do it. It's gonna take one phone call.
Jess: What?
Berkley: She's gonna burn all my clothes on the lawn. I don't care. I only want to wear Henleys anyways. Jess, we can finally be together.
Jess: What?! Wait, no, but leave your wife?!
Berkley: For you. I'm gonna leave my wife for you.
Jess: Wait, what?

Quote from Jess

Berkley: "Thank you for being so incredible." "So lucky to have you in my life"? Jess. When you said those words, I knew.
Jess: No. Berkley, there's been a fundamental misunderstanding here.
Berkley: You know the last time Claire thanked me for anything? It was when I was pulling out her chair at our wedding.
Jess: No.
Berkley: She doesn't appreciate me like you do.
Jess: No, it's not happening. No, no... [pulls on sink hose] Aah! Damn it, Winston! Oh, God. Pretend this is attached, and there's water coming out.
Berkley: No, not like that.
Jess: It's not sexual! No! I'm not feeding you water!
Berkley: Wet my mouth.
Jess: No.

Quote from Jess

Jess: Where is this coming from?
Berkley: You. The phone calls, the texts, "Boyfriend problems," "I need you," hugs, kisses.
Jess: What?
Berkley: More hugs, more kisses.
Jess: I-
Berkley: You have been setting up dominoes for ten years. And now they are falling.
Jess: You have a baby, sir!
Berkley: I know. And you are gonna make such a good stepmom. I love you, Jessica. God, it feels good to say that out loud and not just to my sleeping wife.

Quote from Nick

Nick: [shouting out the window] Caroline! Hey!
Caroline: You cheat on me and then you want to be friends?!
Nick: I'm just writing you an e-mail! It's-it's not sending! Look, gonna throw it down, but I need my phone back!

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