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Es Good

‘Es Good’

Season 6, Episode 9 - Aired December 6, 2016

When Jess and Robby can't agree on where their relationship is, they start seeing other people and agree to a double date. Meanwhile, Schmidt needs man-of-the-people Nick to help him interact with his contractor.

Quote from Nick

Nick: Now, I'm not trying to break stones over here, but what can we do about these walls?
Jason: I can't do the walls until they do the electric, and I can't do the electric without my guy.
Nick: You got to have your guy, I get it, but what am I gonna do?
Jason: If I could I would, but I'm not Santa Claus. What do you want me to do?
Nick: What? Do I need to get your mother out here to do it? 'Cause I'll call your mother. I got her in my phone.
Jason: You're gonna call my mother?
Nick: Yeah, I'm gonna call your mother.
Jason: All right, you sack of crap. [Nick laughing] I'll make a call.
Nick: Thank you.


Quote from Jess

Jess: Anyway, if any of you gentlemen are looking for something modern and non-exclusive...
Worker: You got a nail in your ass.
Jess: Oh. Um, that's not my ass, that's actually my dress. [groans] Could one of you guys help me?
Worker: No, we're busy right now.
Jess: Come on. Oh. Thank you...
Stavros: Es good?
Jess: Es very good. [chuckles]

Quote from Jess

Jess: So, how's Babs? Is she puttin' out? [both laugh]
Robby: Well, she's great. I-I haven't gone out with her yet, but I look forward to getting to know her in a relaxed and modern way.
Jess: Great. I'm ready to tell you about my guy now. His name is Stavros, and he is Greek, which is exciting.
Robby: That's... very exciting.
Jess: Yeah...
Robby: He sounds... sounds very sexy.

Quote from Cece

Cece: I can't believe she met a man at a construction site. I mean, I'm kind of impressed.

Quote from Cece

Winston: That seems precarious.
Cece: Oh, it's totally just gonna blow up in their faces, and they're gonna need us when it does, so we should probably be on call.
Winston: Absolutely. Yeah. We're a very important part of this.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: [to Jason] Hey, what's up dum-dum? I'm sorry, I was breaking so much balls before. I had a really stressful day at the office. You know, the, uh, boss was really giving it to me, so I kicked his ass, but I'm better.
Jason: Hey, uh, I know how it goes, bud.
Schmidt: So now that we have the electrical, maybe we can get started on the walls? Wh-what do you say, bud?
Jason: Oh, uh, we're gonna have to wait on the inspection. And that could take a few months.
Schmidt: A few months?! Any way we could speed this process along? What do you say, you dirty slut?
Nick: Slut?
Jason: Look, this a city issue. But we could, uh, throw a little money at the situation. See what we see.
Nick: Throw a little bit of money, see what we see.
Schmidt: Who do I make the check out to? Los Angeles? Or ma-make it to cash.
Jason: There you go.
Schmidt: Yeah. All right. Now we're talking. [adjusts pants] Ow! Caught a little bit of my ween in there.
Jason: You all right?
Schmidt: Just the tip, just the tip of the ween.

Quote from Jess

Jess: Wow. Your house is amazing. Who lives here, Vin Diesel?
Robby: No. But we do share a gardener.
Jess: This is Stavros. He brought homemade wine.
Robby: Thank you, Stavros. Looks, uh, very fresh.
Stavros: [speaking Greek]
Robby: Is that right? Does he speak English?
Jess: No. But his last name has 17 consonants, which I find very charming.

Quote from Jess

Jess: So where's Babs? Putting her grandkids to bed?
Robby: [chuckles]
Babs: Hey. [Jess gasps] I'm Babs.
Jess: [chuckling] This is gonna be fun. To life! This bottle's very warm.

Quote from Jess

Jess: So, Babs, um, you work at the factory with Robby?
Babs: I'm the head engineer.
Robby: Babs is a genius physicist. She got her doctorate from Cambridge.
Jess: Wow. I didn't... I mean, that's very impressive. Stavros is from a rich tradition of, uh, craftsman. Without men like him, we wouldn't have houses to live in, or delicious wine to drink with friends. [chuckling] Salud.
Robby: Salud.
Stavros: Yamas. [all gagging, except Stavros]
Jess: [choking]: Oh...
Robby: It burns.
Stavros: Es good?
Robby: Es good.

Quote from Winston

Cece: What does it really say about us, you know? Are we just so bored with our own lives now that we're settled and in love?
Winston: Nah, that's not what's happening here, okay? [laughs] We're not bored.
Cece: Right.
Winston: All right. I got a lot of stuff going on.
Cece: Yeah.
Winston: Whoo-ho. Let me start from the top.
Cece: Okay.
Winston: Let me tell you, last week?
Cece: Yeah.
Winston: I had ants in my room. Yeah. What else, what else, what else, what else? Ooh, I think I'm gonna try the crab breast.

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