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Mr. Monk's 100th Case

‘Mr. Monk's 100th Case’

Season 7, Episode 7 - Aired September 5, 2008

As Monk works on his 100th case for the SFPD, involving a serial killer, he is profiled by a TV news magazine.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: "The case was broken by former detective Adrian Monk, who ironically had recently been featured on Mr. Novak' s news magazine program In Focus." Look, picture.
Adrian Monk: Very nice. Nice to go out on a high note.
Natalie: What do you mean "go out"?
Adrian Monk: Well, I think it might be time to quit. 100 cases. 100 even. It's a nice round number.
Natalie: Wait, wait. You wanna quit because it's an even number?
Adrian Monk: Makes sense to me.
Natalie: That is so stupid. I'm sorry, Mr. Monk, but that is just stupid.


Quote from Natalie

James Novak: The death toll was rising. A sense of urgency swept through the department. Captain Stottlemeyer and his task force were working around the clock.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Coffee. Oh, thank you.
Natalie: He has an idea. I can tell. You don't want to miss this. Zoom in. Go ahead. I love this part.

Quote from Ambrose Monk

Timothy Henn: Adrian was in my fourth grade class. He was a brilliant boy. At first, he was probably the most promising student I ever had.
James Novak: What happened?
Timothy Henn: Well, his father left. Just took off. After that, everything changed.
James Novak: When Adrian was eight, his father Jack, a frustrated linen salesman, told the boys he was heading out to pick up some Chinese food. Adrian would not see or speak to him again for 39 years.
Ambrose Monk: Mom didn't leave her room for two years, and I didn't leave my room. So it was all up to Adrian. He kept it all together. The house, the family. I don't know how he did it. He's my hero.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Leigh Harrison: I had Adrian Monk as a passenger from San Francisco to Newark. He'd never flown before. I don't think he'd ever been out of his house before. He asked a million questions. He cried for 2 1/2 hours. He gave half the cabin a nervous breakdown, including me, the co-pilot, and about a dozen passengers. We have a support group now. We meet every month.
James Novak: Really?
Leigh Harrison: The last one was in Minneapolis. I couldn't make it.
James Novak: Why not?
Leigh Harrison: I'm afraid to fly.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: Oh, hey, excuse me, Jim. Uh, sorry to bother you. It's no big deal. But when they showed my name on the screen earlier on, It said "sergeant." Actually, I'm a full lieutenant.
James Novak: Oh, I'm sorry. Well, these things happen.
Lieutenant Disher: Yeah, it's no big deal. Do you think we could correct it for the DVD?
James Novak: The DVD? Absolutely. I'll take care of that.
Lieutenant Disher: That's great. I appreciate that.
James Novak: Enjoy the party, sergeant.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Captain Stottlemeyer: What do you got? Don't step on the girl.
Adrian Monk: Water spots.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Monk, you can't do the victim's dishes.
Adrian Monk: What, you didn't see it. It was filthy.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Monk, for god's sake.
Adrian Monk: Just one cycle.
Captain Stottlemeyer: No, no.
Adrian Monk: One cycle. I'll push rinse hold.
Captain Stottlemeyer: You'll push nothing.

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

James Novak: [v.o.] And as night falls on San Francisco, Adrian Monk is left alone with the case.
Natalie: Mr. Monk takes all of his cases very seriously. But when a woman is killed, it's different. It hits him pretty hard.
James Novak: Because of Trudy?
Natalie: Yeah, because of Trudy.
James Novak: Trudy Monk, the love of Adrian Monk's life and the only case he hasn't been able to solve. They met 28 years ago while they were both attending The University of California. They were married a short time later. Trudy's love was so strong that most of his phobias and personal demons were kept at bay. It would be the happiest time of his life.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Oh, you wouldn't recognize him. Back in the day, he loved his work. He loved his life. He used to walk in here whistling. He hasn't whistled for a long time.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Mr. Novak do you have a copy of the episode we just saw, maybe on a VHS tape?
James Novak: Well, this is DVR.
Adrian Monk: That's too bad. If it was on VHS, we could watch it again.
James Novak: DVR is digital. It's better than VHS.
Adrian Monk: Well, then let's do that. If we could rewind the tape or whatever it is, back to the photo studio... Natalie.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Well, there were other people in that room. Okay, Natalie, push picture go fast.
Natalie: Picture go fast.
Adrian Monk: Okay. Okay, this is it. Picture go regular. [Monk walks around with his hands out front, as he watches the TV]
Jillian: That is so trippy.
Lieutenant Disher: [on TV] Took her lipstick, of course.
Adrian Monk: [on TV] It's a little dark. I could use some light.
Adrian Monk: Picture freezer! Mr. Novak, I asked you to turn on the light.
James Novak: That's right.
Adrian Monk: There are five light switches on that panel. You clicked number four. It was a lamp right next to me. How did you know which one of those switches to hit?
James Novak: How did I know what?
Adrian Monk: You knew that apartment. You'd been in that room before.
James Novak: I- I- I'm a little confused. Are you accusing me of something?
Adrian Monk: Yes, sir, I am. It all makes sense. Kate Kindel was your sex mistress.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: All right, so you better get started. Let's see if anybody's killed anybody today. Oh, this looks good, "Suspicious drowning."
Adrian Monk: 101? Why didn't you stop me? Oh, "Runaway truck kills two."
Natalie: "Socialite killed by giant pendulum." That's juicy.
Adrian Monk: "Billionaire's mistress disappears."
Natalie: "Woman run over by golf cart." That's weird.
Adrian Monk: Yeah. "TV writer found dead after contract dispute."
Natalie: Creepy.
Adrian Monk: That's good.

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