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Mr. Monk Is Someone Else

‘Mr. Monk Is Someone Else’

Season 8, Episode 4 - Aired August 28, 2009

After a hitman bearing an uncanny resemblance to Monk meets his own untimely end, Monk goes undercover as a contract killer.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Waiter: Is there a problem, Mr. DePalma?
Adrian Monk: No. It's just yesterday you seemed more appreciative.
Adrian Monk: How appreciative was I?
Waiter: $20.
Adrian Monk: For what? Fine. Fine. Okay, here is 20. Uh, you gonna give me that 50 cents back?


Quote from Adrian Monk

Lola: You're not even drinking it.
Adrian Monk: Yeah, I'm trying to cut down.
Lola: Well, I hope you're not giving up all your vices. [tries to kiss him] Is there a problem?
Adrian Monk: I have a girlfriend.
Lola: You have a girlfriend? Well, as I recall, that's never been a problem for you in the past.
Adrian Monk: Here's the thing. We're sort of going steady.
Lola: Steady? Well, I think that's sweet.
Adrian Monk: She's here.
Lola: Here in the room?
Adrian Monk: Yeah, no. She's here in Los Angeles. I mean, she could come in any minute. She might want to kiss me too. She's pretty. We kiss all the time.
Lola: What was her name?
Adrian Monk: Natalie Teegerb.
Lola: Teegerb?
Adrian Monk: With a "B" on the end. It's Canadian. It's French Canadian.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: It's so loud.
Natalie: I like it. You want to dance, Frankie?
Adrian Monk: Frankie don't dance. Neither do I.
Adrian Monk: I can't do this. I'm not a tough guy. Who am I fooling?
Natalie: You're fooling everybody. You're doing great. I've been listening to you all day. If I didn't know you, I wouldn't even know you.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Charlie: Help you?
Adrian Monk: I hope so. Can you turn the music down just a little?
Charlie: You gotta be kidding me, buddy. This is a dance club. You don't like the music, take a hike.
Adrian Monk: Okay, sorry.
Natalie: We're looking for Jimmy Barlowe.
Charlie: Never heard of him.
Natalie: What about his friend Lola? All right, if you see 'em, tell 'em Frankie DePalma's looking for 'em.
Charlie: Mr. DePalma? I had no idea. I'm new here. My name's Charlie. [offers hand] Let me turn the music down. Is that okay?
Natalie: What do you think?
Charlie: I could turn it off. You're right. It's much better this way. Good call.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Man: Hey, what happened? Who turned it off?
Adrian Monk: It was hurting my ears.
Man: Who the hell are you?
Charlie: Whoa, that's Frankie DePalma, Jake.
Man: Oh, hell, Frankie. Mr. DePalma, I had no idea. I'm really sorry. Here, let me buy you a drink. It won't happen again. I'm really, really sorry.
Natalie: Hey, relax. Walk it off. Give Frankie a chance to cool down.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Jimmy Barlowe: This is my nephew, Lenny. And of course you already know Tony G. We haven't seen each other since Miami. It must have been, what, three, four years?
Adrian Monk: Sounds about right.
Lenny Barlowe: So how is Fat Gordy?
Adrian Monk: Still fat. He got fatter. Actually he's thinking about changing his name to "Fatter Gordy."

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: So this Greenblatt guy, what'd he do?
Jimmy Barlowe: Lola said you didn't ask any questions.
Adrian Monk: Why would she say that?
Lenny Barlowe: That's another question. Look, my uncle says do it, you put this old guy down. Okay, that's the job. That's all you need to know.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Agent Stone: It doesn't make sense. This guy's a nobody. Stanley Greenblatt, 75 years old. It's his birthday today, actually. He's a retired UPS driver. He lives alone. He's a widower. He's got one son, one daughter. Son died last year.
Captain Stottlemeyer: And?
Agent Stone: And nothing. Guy's never been arrested. There's no mob connection whatsoever. I mean, As far as we know, he's never even met Jimmy Barlowe.
Lieutenant Disher: So then why does Barlowe want him dead?
Captain Stottlemeyer: And why would he pay somebody 80 grand to do it?
Natalie: Maybe it's an insurance scam.
Agent Stone: Doesn't track. The guy's not insured by anyone for anything. He's broke, living on a fixed income.
Agent Stone: Jimmy B never said anything about why he wanted him killed?
Adrian Monk: No.

Quote from Natalie

Natalie: Agent Stone, can we go home now? Mr. Monk did everything you said. It's been really hard on him. He has trouble enough being himself.

Quote from Captain Stottlemeyer

Captain Stottlemeyer: Okay, that's it. We're pulling the plug. This operation is over.
Agent Stone: Yeah, I think you're right.
Adrian Monk: What? What are you talking about? I'm not quitting now. Why should I? I'm in the zone. I'm Frankie DePalma.
Captain Stottlemeyer: No, you're not. Monk, you're in too deep. I've seen it happen before. Even real cops, when they go undercover, they get their wires crossed.
Adrian Monk: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean, "even real cops"?
Captain Stottlemeyer: That's not what I meant to say.

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