Season 10, Episode 19 - Aired April 4, 2019
Worried about how everybody else sees her, Claire decides to be less negative and start saying "yes", setting off an awkward chain of events. Meanwhile, Phil learns Alex is hiding something from him when he surprises her at college.
Quote from Phil
Dr. Stieglitz: "Damn. Might as well ask Schrödinger's cat."
Phil: [laughter] Pets. I once had a macaw that could use a remote control. Watched a lot of cable. You'd think, uh... You'd think Animal Planet, but it was mostly Cinemax. I'm Alex's dad. Alex, get in here.
Dr. Stieglitz: Actually, I was referring to a thought experiment concerning a paradox in quantum mechanics.
Phil: Yes, quite, quite. Where are you all from originally?
Quote from Phil
Alex: [aside to camera] It was so embarrassing. Professor Stieglitz is a genius. He doesn't fall for people who pretend to understand him by saying things like "Quite, quite," or, "Indeed," or...
Phil: Touché, my good man! But seriously, I-I have a science question I've always wondered about.
Alex: Uh, maybe keep wondering.
Phil: Would there be a safe amount of helium you could give a baby that would lift it off the ground?
Dr. Stieglitz: What?
Phil: [laughing] Oh. I don't want it to float away. I-I just want it to have fun.
Quote from Alex
Alex: Could you do me a favor? I'm having a package delivered to my dorm room, and someone needs to be there to sign for it.
Phil: Can't your roommate do it?
Alex: No. She got deported.
Phil: I thought she was from Arkansas.
Alex: Yeah, but her parents were... traitors.
Phil: Beth and Allen?
Alex: Don't feel bad. We all fell for it.
Quote from Alex
Phil: Hey. How in the world did you find me?
Alex: You know that app you can put on kids' phones to track them?
Phil: You put one on my phone after I surprised you today?
Alex: Don't make me feel worse than I already do.
Quote from Phil
Phil: Wait a minute. You won?! Congratulations!
Alex: Please don't be happy for me. I can't take it. I was such a jerk to you.
Phil: No, honey, I get it. I, uh... I know I can be embarrassing. I... I just get nervous around smart people. Sometimes even you. The first time I ever said "quite, quite" was when you were five years old and you just told me about how plants make carbon dioxide.
Alex: This may surprise you, but... sometimes I wish I was more like you, the way you're always able to enjoy life.
Phil: Believe it or not, I felt the same way about my dad. I'm a... I'm a pessimist compared to him. And his dad actually suffered from a smile-induced hernia.
Quote from Phil
Alex: It's prank week, and I spent the whole time in the library. Sometimes I feel like I just went through the four best years of my life, only I forgot to make them the four best years of my life.
Phil: Well, college isn't over. And I just may be able to help you make up for a little lost time. Hot Wing Trivia's about to start. I have you guys registered as "The Dunphys"?
Alex: How did you...? You knew I was coming?
Phil: Let's not forget where you learned about that tracking app. [Scottish accent] And there's one tiny change. We're actually the MacDunphys.
Quote from Alex
[aside to camera:]
Alex: Only my dad would think that a trivia game...
Alex: [Scottish accent] The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. [bell dings, crowd cheers]
Alex: ...where you balance hats on your head, drink beer as a reward...
Phil: [Scottish accent] Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. [bell dings, crowd cheers]
Alex: ...and eat hot wings as a punishment...
Phil: Millard Fillmore! [buzzer, crowd chanting "Eat!"]
Alex: ...needed that one last twist of a Scottish accent.
Alex: Dopey, Sneezy... and Grumpy? bell dings, crowd cheers]
Alex: Whoever said the most important thing in life is winning awards... wasn't all wrong.
Quote from Mitchell
Mitchell: [aside to camera] I had made a mistake. Cam was off on an adventure while I sat there dying of boredom, surrounded by people dying of natural causes.
Quote from Luke
Janice: [cellphone chimes] My daughter. She wants to have friends over. I said no parties.
Luke: Hey, you relax. [on the phone] Denise, your mother and I deserve one night off.
Quote from Jay
Jay: [aside to camera] The lady from the club! Either she didn't know I was Gloria's husband and things were about to get very awkward, or she did know and she was here to follow up on my accidental proposition. God, I hate company!