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Won't You Be Our Neighbor

‘Won't You Be Our Neighbor’

Season 6, Episode 5 - Aired October 22, 2014

With Phil in charge of selling the house next door, Claire is hopeful they can select the perfect neighbors. Jay forbids Manny from seeing his new girlfriend after learning she's the grand daughter of his great closet rival. Meanwhile, Mitchell and Cameron are determined to get Lily moved to another class to get away from a stern, uncompromising teacher.

Quote from Phil

Phil: Withholding information would be a violation of the realtor's oath.
Claire: Which you wrote.
Phil: Well, I also wrote my own wedding vows. I guess I should break those, too?
Claire: Phil.
Phil: What am I saying? I'll never send you to bed without a hug.


Quote from Jay

Earl: This thing between us is getting out of control. We got to put an end to it right now.
Jay: As long as you own up to what you did 30 years ago.
Earl: If apologizing is gonna keep your no-good son away from my Sophie, then-
Gloria: He's not a no-good!
Jay: Yes, he is. He's a walking hormone. Now, let's hear this apology.
Earl: Fine. I was under a lot of pressure back then, and-
Manny: Okay, keep in mind I'm not in makeup yet, but do these sandals make my legs look thick? 'Cause I- I could lower the hem.
Jay: Aw, geez.
Earl: Who's that?
Jay: That's, uh, the maid's son. Not now, Gomez!

Quote from Mitchell

Mrs. Plank: I will take Lily back if you are able to tell me the object of this sentence.
Cameron: Oh, gosh.
Mrs. Plank: "Lily's parents were wrong about Mrs. Plank."
Cameron: Do you know it?
Mitchell: I- I- I think that the object is to humiliate us?
Mrs. Plank: Correct. See? I can teach anybody.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Check this out. What's my biggest problem in the bedroom? [door bell]
Manny: Oh, thank God.
Jay: It's that I'm always wearing the same socks because they're always up front. But this bad boy stores and rotates your socks. It's gonna revolutionize the closet industry.
Gloria: What an exciting time to be alive.
Jay: I'm gonna get my lawyer on the horn, try to lock the name down. Check this, "sock it to me."
Gloria: How about "soxbox?"
Jay: Gloria, please. I'm selling a lifestyle here.

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: Hey, you're back already? How was the birthday party?
Lily: I rode a unicorn.
Cameron: Yes, you did. All by your lonesome. [whispers] It wasn't a real unicorn.
Mitchell: Thank you.

Quote from Mitchell

Cameron: [aside to camera] I call Mrs. Plank "Mrs. Crank. " Because, you know, I have the courage to say what others won't.
Mitchell: Behind her back.

Quote from Phil

Phil: And I also I helped the previous owners install a brand-new tankless water heater a year ago, but did they show any gratitude?
George: Nope! Because it's a "tankless" job.
Phil: Yes! Please move in. We can riff like this all the time.

Quote from Haley

Claire: Uh, what is your line of work, Ronnie?
Ronnie: Well, I'm basically a doctor.
Amber: Oh, stop being modest. He owns, like, a buttload of medical-weed dispensaries.
Haley: Ah, that's where I kno- [pretending to answer phone] Oh, hello?

Quote from Gloria

Jay: Damn it, she saw the sock it to me!
Gloria: So what?
Jay: If she can remember how it works, she's gonna tell Earl all about it.
Gloria: If she can remember how it works? You put the sock in a box. Even Joe could have thought of that.

Quote from Phil

Ronnie: Is this one of those realtor tricks?
Phil: No.
Ronnie: Where you're trying to get me to raise my offer?
Phil: Oh, no.
Ronnie: Well, it's working. All right. I'll throw in another 50 grand.
Phil: What?! That's a terrible idea!
Ronnie: I'm not losing the house. I had the best sex of my life in there.
Phil: When?!

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