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Truth Be Told

‘Truth Be Told’

Season 1, Episode 17 - Aired March 10, 2010

Jay gets tangled up in a web of lies after he accidentally kills Manny's pet turtle, Shel Turtlestein. Claire is alarmed when Phil reconnects with an old girlfriend through Facebook. Meanwhile, an overworked Mitchell confronts his boss after feeling he's missing out on precious moments with Lily.

Quote from Phil

Claire: Hey, honey, Hugh Grant has a-
Phil: I'm in.


Quote from Haley

Claire: Okay, well, Alex has a cello lesson at 11:00 and Junior Congress at noon.
Haley: Doesn't she also have no boys at forever?
Alex: Don't you have an eating disorder you need to attend to?

Quote from Claire

Claire: Wow. All right, well, we can see the movie tomorrow. Come on. It's time for your lesson.
Luke: You mean her second lesson, because she just got schooled.
Alex: [silence] What's wrong with me today?
Claire: Shake it off, champ. It's not your day.

Quote from Mitchell

Cameron: Did you pack the bread for the ducks?
Mitchell: Yes. Not the whole-wheat kind. The ducks don't like that.
Cameron: They're ducks, Mitchell. They don't care.

Quote from Mitchell

Cameron: [on car phone] Oh, there's four of 'em, Mitchell. They're giving her little duck kisses. Oh, she's laughing.
I can't believe you're missing this.
Mitchell: Well, why not, Cam? I've missed everything else. She rolled over when I was in Phoenix. She started scooting when I was in court.
Cameron: Well, just tell 'em you're not coming in. You do enough for 'em.
Mitchell: [approaching intersection] Well, you know that. I know that. You know? The only one who doesn't know that is my sucky boss. He's the suckiest suck of all time. He's a miserable son of a bitch who... may have heard everything I just said.

Quote from Claire

Phil: That's not Denise. Mmm. Here. Read some of her messages. You're gonna feel silly.
Claire: Okay. [breathy] "Hey, Phil. How's it going?"
Phil: You can't add the sexy voice. [flatly] "Hi, Phil. How's it going?"
Claire: [breathy] "So glad to hear your neck is better."
Phil: Are you seriously jealous?
Claire: No, I am not jealous at all. I just happen to know women better than you do, and that woman wants a slice.

Quote from Claire

Phil: Okay. Just to prove how wrong you are, I'm gonna invite her over here for drinks.
Claire: Fine with me. Just hope it's fine with Denise. [breathy] "Gee, Phil, I really had my heart set on Le Reve."
Phil: That voice doesn't bother me. Kind of like it!

Quote from Manny

Manny: May I see the body?
Gloria: Baby, are you sure that's a good idea?
Manny: It's something I have to do. That's him.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Sorry, pal.
Manny: It just doesn't make any sense.
Jay: Yep. Only the good die young.
Manny: But in school, we learn raccoons are nocturnal. They sleep during the day.
Jay: They sure do, and this one must've got up for a midnight snack. You know, we've all done that.
Manny: I guess so.
Jay: Yeah. It all adds up.

Quote from Jay

Gloria: Fliza Minnelli?
Jay: How did I not know that kid was gay?

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