‘Spread Your Wings’
Season 7, Episode 11 - Aired January 13, 2016
When Phil visits Alex at college, Claire and the kids take the opportunity to try set the ducks free. Gloria feels Cameron is taking over her sauce business. Meanwhile, Jay helps Mitchell cope as he hosts Lily's dance troupe for a sleepover.
Quote from Jay
Jay: Hello.
Mrs. Tran: Your husband?
Mitchell: My dad.
Jay: And I prefer brunettes, without beards. I like women.
Quote from Jay
Jay: Little tip you might want the girls to blow up these air mattresses, tire them out a little bit.
Mitchell: Oh, I'm not trying to tire them out. No. I'm the fun dad, okay? I want them to have a good time.
Jay: That's a rookie mistake. When you are Claire were kids, I was the sleepover champ, undefeated. There was never a kid that was awake later than 7:30.
Mitchell: Oh, no. I remember my 10th birthday. You let us wash your car, and then we carried the grandfather clock to the dump.
Jay: Yeah, sun exposure plays a big part.
Quote from Alex
Phil: Oh, honey, I am so sorry about what happened in there.
Alex: Don't worry about me, but, you know, those robots are programmed to hold a grudge.
Quote from Phil
Phil: Did something happen?
Alex: No, it's just... Ugh, the people here are all so immature. They are always banging on your door with a beaker full of margaritas, and... The nerd noise is deafening. Did you bring those noise-canceling headphones I asked Mom for?
Phil: Oh, I am so sorry. I forgot. Sometimes my brain cancels out your mom's noise.
Quote from Mitchell
Mitchell: Okay, Dad, no offense, but I've been listening to you whine about gaining and losing the same 10 pounds since, at age 60, you married the most beautiful woman in the world. And while I appreciate what might be the rich-white-mannest of rich-white-man problems, this tape is only energizing these little girls.
Quote from Luke
Haley: They're gone.
Claire: Oh, my god. Where are they? Oh, god.
Luke: What the hell? Does everyone get rid of their ducks here?
Quote from Luke
Luke: Can't we just pick any three?
Claire: Mnh-mnh. Your father will know immediately.
Haley: Look. I think that might be the dumb Luke duck.
Luke: The one entertaining the others?
Haley: His head is caught in the Fritos bag.
Luke: Hey. Isn't that your duck?
Haley: Where?
Luke: The one pushing oats around with its beak, pretending to eat.
Quote from Haley
Claire: Don't just stand there. Get your ducks.
Haley: I just spent a week's salary on these shoes. I'm not- Oh, look at those big brown eyes. They take up half her face! I'm coming, Princess!
Quote from Alex
Phil: Um, I found this inhaler. Do you know whose it is?
Alex: There's only six people here who don't use those. They throw them in the air at graduation.
Quote from Phil
Phil: Hey, honey. I'm sorry about earlier. I think maybe being on a college campus took me back, and some of my own first-year insecurities bubbled up. I didn't know anybody, and no matter how hard I tried, I was always on the outside. And then suddenly, one day, something clicked and I was in. I mean, you never know.
Alex: I mean, just because that happened to you, doesn't mean that's-
Phil: No, no, no, no, no. That's that's my point. My story isn't your story. As intimidating as this place may be, I've never seen you walk away from a challenge. If you tell me you've given it your best shot, then I know you have. So don't be mad at me, okay?
Alex: I'm not mad.
Phil: All right, kiddo. Your mom and I will be back next week to pack you up. I love you.
Alex: I love you, too.