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Season 9, Episode 20 -  Aired May 2, 2018

When Dede drops by unexpectedly, Mitchell and Cameron are startled to realize how she has been controlling their lives all these years. Phil, Luke, Alex and Haley have bad news to break to Claire, but they must all find a way to tell her in the window of time she's relaxed after her monthly spa day. Meanwhile, Jay and Manny edit a scary movie together.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Oh, my God, 2004?! Th-That's a year into our relationship. "Oh, Cam, I hate to think of you living all alone in that tiny apartment with a broken ankle." [gasps]
Mitchell: And on the same day, she's e-mailing you, "It's too soon to move in with someone. I strongly discourage it." Which is exactly why I did it.
Cameron: And because you love me so much.
Mitchell: And because we were in love.


Quote from Gloria

Gloria: No, no, no, not again! The red carpet that they sent me is orange, and they keep putting me on hold. I never thought that I could hate hearing "She Bangs" over and over.
Jay: You didn't?
Manny: Really?

Quote from Jay

Jay: Look, I know we've had our creative differences, but I really think we have a hit on our hands.
Manny: I'm pretty proud of it, too. And a little nervous to put it out there.
Joe: 'Cause you made the monster just like Mom?
Manny: No, we didn't.
Jay: What are you talking about?
Joe: That noise. It's what she says all the time.
Woman: [on video] She's coming! [warbling speech, monster says "I'll kill you]
Gloria: [o.s.] Stella, no! Out, out! I'll kill you!
Jay: How could this happen?!

Quote from Jay

Jay: [aside to camera] We spent weeks perfecting the monster's trademark scream by combining a bunch of unsettling noises. Horror movies are all about the sound.
Manny: Particularly when your special effects budget has been repurposed for an on-set massage chair.
Jay: Hey, you used it just as much as I did.

Quote from Manny

Jay: So, our monster sounds like your mother screaming? But we didn't know that before we put it in, right?
Manny: No, of course not, we love her.
Jay: To the moon.
Manny: Maybe she won't notice.
Jay: We better hope not.
Both: It's your movie.

Quote from Haley

Phil: She's asleep? How lucky.
Alex: Kind of lucky. She said she was tired and Haley gave her some tea.
Phil: What was in the tea?
Haley: You want her asleep, or you want to ask questions?

Quote from Haley

Luke: Mom just pulled up! Quick, longest straw goes first with her, then medium, then shortest.
Alex: Yes!
Haley: Yes!
Phil: That's the short straw. You're last.
Haley: Oh, damn it! I'm so used to a world where the smallest size wins.

Quote from Claire

Alex: What Mom, I-I hate to have to ask you this, but would you mind if I missed out on our Mother's Day trip?
Claire: Oh, no, why?
Alex: Well, Bill only gets one weekend off a month, and he wants to take me to the Grand Canyon. On a motorcycle.
Phil: What?!
Claire: Phil, chill. Sweetie, as your mom, I know I should say no, but let's face it, those books aren't keeping you warm at night. Let's get some bugs in those teeth, huh?

Quote from Phil

Haley: Mom, I'm bailing on our trip!
Luke: I made Dad play and we flew our drone into your face!
Phil: A man named Nigel Pickles may have our bank account numbers!
Alex: I'm gonna go.

Quote from Claire

Claire: Clearly, you all have bad news to tell me. But do you have to dump it on me when I'm in a good mood? Oh, my God, you did! That's what the window is! The one hour a month when I am a human to you people.
Haley: Sometimes it's longer.
Claire: Let me tell you something. You debutantes have it easy. You wouldn't have survived one day in the house where I grew up, where an actual crazy person was running the show.
Phil: Um, Claire.
Claire: The guilting, the shaming, the number of times I heard, "Where did I go wrong with you?"
Dede: Where did I go wrong with you?

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