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Season 1, Episode 9 - Aired November 25, 2009

As Phil and Claire pull out all the stops to throw an epic birthday party for Luke, Cameron dusts off his old clown costume.

Quote from Claire

Phil: Oh. It's so peaceful and quiet over here.
Claire: Ha-ha. If you came over here to gloat, I already know it's a dud.
Phil: Actually, I came to give you this. It's your favorite flavor- blue.
Claire: Thanks, honey.
Phil: And your hair looks really nice.
Claire: Hmm. Thanks. I've been combing it all day.


Quote from Alex

Alex: You don't deserve this.
Haley: What?
Alex: Hot reptile chick. You know, probably has her own apartment, obviously okay touching gross stuff.
Haley: They're just talking.
Alex: You're right. Dylan's far too sophisticated to get sucked in by a single lady with tons of cool tattoos.

Quote from Dylan

Dylan: Hey. I think it peed on me.
Jungle Tanya: Oh, no.
Dylan: No way, Mother Nature. I can't believe he does that.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Hey, what am I missing, guys? Aw, geez, Gloria.
Gloria: [bouncing] Jay, look! I go high! Look! Look!
Jay: Guys, hit the road. Come on. You're family men. Come on. Scat.

Quote from Phil

Phil: Great job, buddy. Now comes the fun part. Rappel down.
Luke: It's really high.
Phil: You have nothing to fear but fear itself. And the concrete.

Quote from Manny

Manny: Look, I came on strong with that whole funny guy bit. This is me just being myself.
Bianca: Okay. Hey, do you know who that boy is over there?
Manny: Oh. That's Dylan. He's Haley's boyfriend.
Bianca: He's so cute and tall.
Manny: I'm still growing. Give me a break.

Quote from Jay

Jay: That's quite an impressive getup you got there.
Cameron: Thank you, Jay. Oh, by the way, you have something on your shoulder. [reveals a foam "something"]
Jay: [laughing] That's good.
Cameron: Never mind. It was nothing. [a foam "nothing"]
Jay: We're done here.

Quote from Claire

Luke: Hey, look what Grandpa gave me- a crossbow.
Claire: Sweetie, that does not look safe.
Luke: Don't worry. He's gonna show me how to use it.
Claire: That's what I'm afraid of.

Quote from Mitchell

Claire: So Cam's a clown. And there's mine. You think it's weird that we both chose people who were so...
Mitchell: Uninhibited?
Claire: I was gonna say "embarrassing," but yeah. Look at them now. They're the life of the party.
Mitchell: Uh, you know, I gotta say, for all his craziness, I love my clown.
Claire: Me too. They're good for us. I would've totally tanked this party.
Mitchell: And I would've gotten my butt kicked at a gas station.
Claire: Sorry?
Mitchell: Turns out Fizbo is a real bad-ass.

Quote from Manny

Manny: [aside to camera] It turns out I'm not the sweet guy or the funny guy.
[cut to:]
Gloria: No, Manny, don't go in! Por favor!
Manny: I must! [slips shoes off] I'm coming!
Manny: Manny Delgado is a man of action.
Bianca: Wait. My dog is still in there.
Manny: I'll be right back.

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