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Finale Part 1

‘Finale Part 1’

Season 11, Episode 17 - Aired April 8, 2020

Mitchell and Cam settle in on their new normal, and Phil and Claire decide that one of the kids needs to move out in order to take control of the house again. Meanwhile, as Gloria becomes more successful at work, she notices Jay, Manny and Joe don't seem to need her as much.

Quote from Haley

Alex: Arvin wants to meet before I sign the contract, for some reason.
Haley: Ooh. I bet I know the reason why. 'Cause he wants to get with you.
Alex: No, he does not. He's about to be my boss.
Haley: Which is why he wants to talk before you sign. Nowadays, you get in trouble for dating at work unless it's a pre-existing relationship. I know this because I had to go to an HR thing thanks to some smoking-hot janitor who can't take a compliment. [scoffs]
Alex: Married mother of two, and you are insane.


Quote from Phil

Claire: Phil! Bacon? They're gonna smell that.
Phil: Oh, my God! I didn't think about that! Quick! Eat it! Ow! Worth it. Ow! Worth it.

Quote from Claire

Phil: Okay, family meeting. Please. Sit down. Dylan, please. Thank you. Now, um, this is gonna sound harsh. No... No parent with half a heart wants to say this, so, Claire?
Claire: Fine. I have no problem saying it. There are too many people living in this house. It's disgusting! I think there's something alive in the kitchen sink water.
Dylan: It's just Sinky.
Luke: You didn't turn on the garbage disposal, did you?
Claire: O-Okay. W-We cannot live this way! One of you has to move out.

Quote from Dylan

Phil: Look, if one of you doesn't volunteer, your mother's gonna have to pick someone.
Alex: Well, Haley's the oldest. There's four of them. And honestly, it's only a matter of time before she gets pregnant again.
Luke: [scoffs] Especially since he's a wiggler.
Dylan: Whoa! We can say it.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Hey, Cam. Look! Cam! Cam!
Cameron: Oh, s... I'm sorry. My... My mind was elsewhere. [chuckles]
Mitchell: Our neighbor just dropped this off. So sweet! And... And guess what. She's a pediatrician.
Cameron: Oh.
Mitchell: I mean, how lucky is that?
Jotham: Oh, that's amazing! Now you don't have to ugly up the house with baby-proofing.
Mitchell: Don't ever have kids.

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: There's champagne, there's truffles, there's caviar.
Cameron: Ohh, city folk, huh?! I mean, whatever happened to a basket of apples and a thoughtfully misspelled note?! I mean, huh? It's like...

Quote from Gloria

Jay: Anyways, we brought you a housewarming gift.
Gloria: Jay deserves all the credit.
Jay: Close your eyes.
Gloria: Maybe never open them.

Quote from Phil

Mitchell: Hey, everyone? Um, I just want to thank you all for coming to see our new home and meet our precious new roommate, Rexford. [laughter] And, uh, I also want to thank my wonderful husband, Cam, who really led the charge and made all of this possible. I-I couldn't be happier right now, and it's all because of him. Now, if I could just get him to give up hogging the covers, huh? [laughter]
Cameron: 'Cause I haven't given up enough for you! [all gasp]
Phil: [to Claire] This is so embarrassing. I just realized Ronaldo was offering me quiche.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: So, y-you were never gonna tell me you got offered the job?
Cameron: It's just that you seemed so happy, and I couldn't ask you to give that up.
Mitchell: Cam, you've been wanting to move closer to your family for years, and... and this is your dream job. No. No. T-This is my chance to be there for you.
Cameron: Are you sure?
Mitchell: Look, I-I don't care where we live, as... as long as you're there by my side. Always.

Quote from Mitchell

Claire: Mitchell. Mitchell. That was beautiful.
Mitchell: Well, everyone was looking at me. What the [bleep] was I supposed to say?

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