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Rabbit or Duck

‘Rabbit or Duck’

Season 5, Episode 15 - Aired February 8, 2010

After a stunt at the Super Bowl, Barney has a cell phone that won't stop ringing with calls from eligible women. Ted decides to forgo the dating scene and ask Lily and Marshall to set him up. Meanwhile, Don invites Robin to a party, which she suspects is actually a date.

Quote from Ted

Ted: See? That right there is what free will gets you. Constant, ego-shattering uncertainty. I'm done with that. I want what Ranjit has. I've spent my entire adult life looking for the perfect woman, and I'm spending Valentine's Day scrubbing the toilet. I need someone else to find me that woman. Marshall, Lily, "arranged marriage" me.


Quote from Marshall

Ted: It's the picking I suck at. I pick the wrong girls. But, you guys, you're the best pickers I know. You picked each other.
Lily: Oh, well, with a slight assist from the Wesleyan housing department.
Marshall: And a healthy splash of Drakkar Noir.
[Lily and Marshall high five]

Quote from Ted

Robin: Thank you. And Don is, and always will be, a rabbit.
Ted: Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that, Robin. Think about it. Don, Donald, Donald Duck.
[Marshall gasps]
Ted: And what, I wonder, does Donald Duck never wear?
Lily: Pants.
Ted: Pants. Don's a duck. Permission to say "lawyered"?
Marshall: I'll allow it.
Ted: Lawyered.

Quote from Barney

Barney: MacLaren's Pub.
Ranjit: MacLaren's Pub.
[At MacLaren's, Barney greets a gold-medalist Japanese figure skater:]
Barney: Well, hello.
Natalia: I realize that you're very busy, so I'll just get straight to the point.
Barney: Okay.
[The woman raises her leg behind her head and uses her toe to open her beer bottle]
Woman: And that's my bad leg. Very bad. [Barney's cell phone rings] Are you okay?
Barney: Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be? [tries to resist answering the phone, fails] Go for Barney.
Future Ted: [v.o.] Barney had been sure that phone was something he loved. But now he realized it wasn't that at all. It was something else entirely.
[Barney imagines he's holding a rabbit instead of his phone. He does a double take and sees his cell phone again. Barney runs out of MacLaren's and dumps his phone in the dumpster out back.]
Barney: [groaning] I'm free!
[Natalia joins Barney in his bedroom:]
Barney: Ah, now this feels right. There is no place I would rather be, and no one I would rather be... [cell phone rings in the distance]
Natalia: What's wrong?
Barney: Did you hear that?
Natalia: Hear what?
Barney: Ssh. [cell phone continues ringing]

Quote from Barney

Barney: MacLaren's Pub!
Ranjit: MacLaren's Pub!
[Barney runs through MacLaren's to the alley way out back, where he dives in the dumpster and retrieves his phone]
Barney: Go for Barney. D-cups? Really?

Quote from Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] So, we went to Don's party.
Ted: Look, Robin, I don't wanna crowd you on your little date here, so if things start to get hot and heavy with Don...
Robin: They're not gonna get hot...
Ted: I'm just saying, if they do, I'll just say, "Well, I got a dinner rez," and then... Wait, this is the best part. I've been working on this for a while. I'll duck out.
Robin: [sarcastically] Ha, ha, ha. Okay, it's not gonna happen. But, yeah, do that.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: We got her. It's the craziest thing. We were searching all week, and then, a couple of hours ago...
[flashback to Marshall and Lily at MacLaren's:]
Marshall: Trudy?
Lily: Married.
Marshall: Blah, blah?
Lily: Committed.
Marshall: Relationship?
Lily: Bellevue.
Marshall: Natalie?
Lily: Ted's her least favorite person in the world.
Marshall: Well, she's not getting any younger.

Quote from Ranjit

[flashback to Marshall and Lily in MacLaren's talking about setting Ted up on a date:]
Barney: Get rid of it!
Marshall: What?
Barney: This phone is cursed. Cursed, I tell you! I try to ignore it, but it just never stops ringing! It's ruining my life! I should get that. [Marshall takes the phone] No. Please! Please! Please, Marshall. Let me answer it. It could be an emergency. She could be trapped in a giant bra!
Ranjit: Barney, Barney, let it go... to voicemail.
[Ranjit carries a sobbing Barney out of MacLaren's:]

Quote from Ted

Ted: It's a phone girl?
Marshall: I know, I know. No. But, no, then we met her. And, Ted, she's a world-class violinist. She's a gourmet cook. And she can quote every line from Caddyshack!
Ted: Wow.
[later, Ted arrives at the date:]
Natalia: Hello, Ted. "And what brings you to this nape of the woods? "Neck of the wape? Why are you here?"
Future Ted: [v.o.] So, we all had dinner. And, kids, Lily and Marshall's hard work had paid off, because that girl was terrific. In fact...
Marshall: Oh, but, Natalia, tell Ted the problem.
Lily: Yeah. Yeah. Tell him. Tell him.
Natalia: Well, unfortunately, I'm going to have to leave the country soon because my visa is about to expire.
Lily: [whispers] She needs to get married.
Marshall: Federal law expressly dictates that a foreign national can't maintain residency for longer than
six months without a work visa. Sorry.
Future Ted: [v.o.] But when it came down to it...
Waiter: And you, sir, the rabbit or the duck?
Ted: What?
Waiter: It's a prix fixe menu for Valentine's Day, and we're already out of the steak, fish and chicken. So, rabbit or duck?
Ted: Rabbit. Sorry, guys. I gotta go.
Marshall: Why would Ted order rabbit if he was just gonna run out?

Quote from Ted

Barney: I need it back! Where's the phone? [to Natalia] Well, hello. Oh, I met you already. Where's the phone?
Lily: It's hidden.
Barney: Where?
Future Ted: [v.o.] Where had Aunt Lily hidden the phone? Well, to answer that question, we have to back up a little bit.
[flashback to Ted and Robin in the apartment earlier:]
Robin: You go on your date. Happy Valentine's Day.
["Turkey in the Straw" ringtone plays. Ted goes over to the piano, lifts the cover and finds a phone]
Ted: Barney's phone. I wonder how it got in there.
Robin: Ted? Come on, big date.
Ted: Well, what's the harm? [answers phone] Hello?
Future Ted: [v.o.] And just like that, I was hooked.

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