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New and Improved Lorelai

‘New and Improved Lorelai’

Season 6, Episode 1 - Aired September 13, 2005

Lorelai moves on with her life with Luke after she proposed. Rory gets settled at Richard and Emily's house as her day in court approaches.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Was this mattress always this comfortable?
Luke: I think so.
Lorelai: It seems so much more comfortable. We should drink Zima and have sex every single night.
Luke: Okay.
Lorelai: Okay.


Quote from Babette

Babette: Where the heck is he?
Miss Patty: There. Right there.
Babette: Get over here, you.
Miss Patty: I can't believe it.
Babette: You finally did it, you dumb son of a bitch. You finally got in there and closed the deal.
Miss Patty: Took you long enough.

Quote from Babette

Babette: Right. So we want to hear the whole thing.
Miss Patty: The whole play by play.
Babette: How'd it happen?
Miss Patty: How'd you do it?
Luke: Do what?
Babette: How did you propose to Lorelai?
Luke: Oh, uh, well-
Babette: Did you get down on one knee?
Miss Patty: Did you take her somewhere special?
Babette: Did you hide the ring in anything?
Miss Patty: Oh, like a glass of champagne, or a cannoli?
Luke: Actually, I'm still working on the ring.

Quote from Babette

Miss Patty: Well, enough about us, honey. Come on, Luke, tell us, how'd you do it?
Luke: Well, actually, I didn't Lorelai proposed to me.
Babette & Miss Patty: Oh.
Miss Patty: You went modern.
Babette: Well, that's still okay, sugar. The important thing is, you're getting married.
Miss Patty: We're very happy for you, Luke.
Babette: Yes, we are.
Miss Patty: Yeah.

Quote from Emily

Emily: Good morning. You're still sleeping? My goodness. You're young! These are the good days. There's plenty of time to sleep when you've gone up a couple of dress sizes.

Quote from Kirk

Kirk: I'm not interested in food, Luke. I'm here on business. I hear you might be in the market for a ring. Or should I be talking to Lorelai?
Luke: Go away, Kirk.
Kirk: Well, then, it's your lucky day. Because I happen to be in possession of the finest estate ring collection in Connecticut. And since you are a friend, I'm prepared to make you a great deal. Or will Lorelai be the one paying for it?
Luke: No, she will not be paying for it, Kirk.
Kirk: Ah, East Side Tilly called it wrong, this time.

Quote from Rory

Logan: I give you one month.
Rory: To do what?
Logan: Before you're back at school. One month.
Rory: You are wrong.
Logan: Nope.
Rory: Oh, I cannot believe how little faith you have in me. I mean, what kind of match would I be for you if I just went running right back to a life of respectability without even attempting to join the French Foreign Legion?
Logan: You love school.
Rory: Not anymore.
Logan: No, you love school. I saw it. That doesn't just go away.
Rory: Well, I have reformed, all right? From now on, no more scheduling, no more planning. I am just going to spend my days making ice cream beer floats and just taking life as it comes. You'll see. New me.
Logan: If you say so.
Rory: I do say so.

Quote from Emily

Emily: Where are Rory's good clothes?
Michel: I don't know, but I will continue to search for them frantically.
Emily: Are you just going to sit there?
Michel: I was instructed to stay until you leave.
Emily: Like I need to be watched. Like I'm a meth head stealing a television set to support my habit. Well, this is completely unacceptable. Rory needs something to wear to court.
Michel: I'm sorry, if you're talking to me, you'll have to do it in woofs.
Emily: You've been working with my daughter way too long.
Michel: Don't I know it.

Quote from Emily

Emily: I hope we picked the right outfit here. It's coming off a little more Mennonite than I had hoped.

Quote from Richard

Richard: You're a lousy duck-hunter, Charlie. It wasn't the weather, and it wasn't the duck-call, it was you.
Charlie Davenport: I was doing you a favor, Richard.
Richard: Well, do me some more favors, Charlie. Let's see if we can get the girl twenty to life at Sing Sing!
Charlie Davenport: That is it.

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